Remote work or work from home is not a new concept. Stats show that the number of employees working remotely at least once a week has increased by 400% since 2010. Work from home (remote work) trend accelerated because of the coronavirus pandemic when businesses had to go remote.
Even the tech giants and big brands like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc, have asked most of their employees to work from their homes.
Work from Home: Trends and Future of Remote Work
Stats show that more than half of the full-time employees want to work from home. Here are some trends about work from home and the future of remote work.

- Benefits of Remote Work:
Avoid the Commute (Save Time and Money): Nobody likes to get stuck in hour-long traffic. With work from home, you can reduce commute stress, and increase your efficiency.
Virtual Office Place: Work from your home or anywhere else you like wearing pajamas or shorts. You are free to set up your virtual office near the coasts of Hawaii or on the mountains.
Global Opportunities: There are no boundaries in remote work. You can work for any company from around the world. Remote setup also allows recruiters to perform remote hiring of talents from anywhere globally without worrying about the relocation package.

High Productivity: Working from your home gives your mental peace. Work-life balance and healthy food provide an employee with all the energy he needs to stay focused and productive.
Flexible Work Hours: An advantage of remote work is fewer restrictions on work hours. You can work from home during the time you feel the most productive. You can also take breaks to stay fresh and productive during work hours.
- Challenges of Remote Work

Communication: Communication between the teams can be a challenge in remote working. These days technology plays a vital role. Using productivity or work from home apps can reduce your resistance to communication.
Distractions: It becomes easy to give in to distractions when you are working from home. Doing daily chores, social media, and watching your favorite TV shows can eventually eat up your time.
The secret to staying focused while working remotely is to create a schedule and sticking to it.
Overwork: You can save time in remote working only if you manage your time well. Otherwise, procrastination can crawl up in your routine, and you may have to work extra hours to catch the deadlines.
- Remote Work Trends For 2021

Flexible Work Hours Are The New Normal
Since 2015, the number of remote work setups has increased by 400%. Most people are prioritizing freedom from old restrictions. Around 65% of people said that the typical 8-hour workday would eventually disappear.
Automation is the future. With companies going remote, the whole hiring process will go virtual. Technology will play a significant role in recruiting because it can increase the productivity of the HR department. Now chatbots can trim down the support cost (internal and external) by 30%.
Communication and Collaboration

The success of remote work depends on the effectiveness of communication and collaboration. Very important if you’re working remotely or managing a remote team.
It’s crucial to create a digital version of meeting rooms and coffee space where team members can interact and discuss. There is a growth in users of conferencing tools like Google Meet, Zoom, Slack, etc., during the pandemic.
Remote means everything on the internet. Communication, collaboration, hiring, and operations. Hijack of a company’s sensitive data during transit to the server can incur huge losses to companies.
That’s why the security of online data becomes the priority of any organization. Organizations are recognizing the loophole and investing in the cybersecurity infrastructure.

- Work-Life Balance
Mental health is a priority now. Still, 43% of the remote employees are likely to work more than a standard 40 hour per week system. For companies, this is important because more hours means more tasks getting done. But for employees, is trouble.
For companies, it means equipping systems to measure an employee’s output, such as a time tracking system for remote workers.
- Remote Work and Work from Home Will Keep Growing

The pandemic has accelerated the evolution of the business landscape. Remote work is more than just a sprint or a trend.
Important Tip. Remote work is good for the environment too. This flexible system can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We’ve already seen nature coming back to its glory during the lockdown.
These days productivity is no more a choice but a necessity in remote work.
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