Virtual reality (VR) is a new technology and it’s getting better with the help of technology. VR can help you to have a real-life experience of a virtual world that might be similar to the real world.
VR is a bit different from augmented reality (AR).
Virtual Reality: Advantages and Disadvantages
Virtual reality is based on a combination of software and hardware. VR technology can help people in areas such as engineering, gaming, education, media, medicine, eCommerce, etc.

Advantages and Benefits of VR
This technology (VR) has many benefits and advantages. Some of the positive impacts of VR are listed below:
- Like A Real World
Virtual reality gives the user a feeling of being in a different world while playing games, watching a movie, etc. VR gives the user the impression of actually being inside the game experiencing every move as if it were real.

- Simulation and Practise
VR technology can help people to conduct training and practice by simulating real-world operations like surgery, combat, flight, etc. It’s the best practical advantage of this technology. You can learn to perform operations like fly a plane, drive a car, or a boat, without risking your life.
- Details of Locations

Planning a vacation can be a tricky job. But with the help of VR technology, you can get a detailed view of any tourist location and decide if the trip is worth their time and effort.
- Shopping and Decision
Virtual reality can help you to shop or to make better decisions. If you like to shop for interior design for your house, just looking at the designs it’s not easy to decide on a perfect match. Virtual reality can put together the designs and the interior of your house for a better decision.

- Learning Improvements
VR technology can help to improve your learning abilities. Fields such as content writing and editing can benefit from VR technology. Also, doctors can learn new practices to improve the lives of their patients.
Disadvantages of Virtual Reality
VR technology is very effective but it has some cons.

- Low-Flexibility
Virtual reality doesn’t offer flexibility in making changes to the pre-set program sequence. If a student in the classroom wants to raise some questions, in the real world they are free to do but in the virtual world isn’t feasible.
- Obsession and Addiction

Many people can become obsessed or addicted to anything if they get involved with it for a longer period. Many tend to like games that allow violence and other illegal activities, but if that turns into addiction they will likely commit the crime in the real world.
- Expensive
VR provides a fun and amazing experience but it’s not cheap. VR technology is still expensive to most people.
- Isolation

After spending a lot of time in the virtual world, people become addicted to it and tend to enjoy it more there than in the real world. Thus, they spend more time with their friends in the virtual world like in games. This eventually leads them to become isolated from the real world.
- Unreal Expectations

Training in the virtual world and real world are entirely different things. Many people cannot give their best when exposed to the real world because any action they take will have real consequences.
If you understand all the advantages and disadvantages of VR technology, then you can understand the meaning of the virtual world and its characteristics.

Virtual reality can be amazing and educational, but also can be addictive and isolated.
Addiction can generate health problems such as depression, anxiety, etc. You need to pay attention if you use virtual reality for games or training.