The Internet of Things is actually a pretty simple concept, it means taking all the things in the world and connecting them to the internet. it’s important to understand the benefits of connecting things to the internet
When something is connected to the internet, that means that it can send information or receive information, or both. This ability to send and/or receive information makes things smart, and smart is good.
Example. Right now you can listen to any song in the world, but it’s not because your phone actually has every song in the world stored on it. It’s because every song in the world is stored somewhere else, but your phone can send information (asking for that song) and then receive information (streaming that song on your phone).
In the Internet of Things, there are three categories:
Things that collect information and then send it.
Things that receive information and then act on it.
Things that do both.
Sensors and Information
We need sensors. Sensors could be temperature sensors, motion sensors, moisture sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors, you name it. These sensors, along with a connection, allow us to automatically collect information from the environment which, in turn, allows us to make more intelligent decisions.
Hearing, smell, touch, and taste allow us, humans, to make sense of the world, sensors allow machines to make sense of the world.
The real power of the Internet of Things is that Things can collect information and send it, but also receive information and act on it.
What is IoT?
The internet of Things, or “IoT” for short, is about extending the power of the internet beyond computers and smartphones to a whole range of other things, processes, and environments. Those “connected” things are used to gather information, send information back, or both.
Why does IoT matter?:
IoT allows businesses and people to be more connected to the world around them and to do more meaningful, higher-level work.
A super simple takeaway definition of IoT and a free eBook with which you can deepen that definition if you want to. If you’re interested in a deeper dive, I encourage you to check out the IoT 101: Introduction to Internet of Things eBook (it’s free!).
Calum McClelland