What’s the future of web design? How web design affects your business? What you need to know about? It’s very simple, web design is changing, because the online world and technologies are changing too.
Change is real, and businesses need to move forward to win the competition.
A Broader Approach
For a long time, web pages were the alpha and omega of the internet experience. However, in the last few years, the software market has evolved with a speed that was never seen before. We read about new devices every day, and smartphones and tablets have become a necessity for many people.
Designing for mobile screens is different from designing for the desktop, but it can’t be compared to extra-small screens like a smartwatch. There’s not too much place for glossy design elements on most wearables.
They need to be functional, and designers need to focus more on how users interact with the screen. Interaction with the screen also has many new methods such as gestures, voice control, and facial expressions.
Not only do there are many hardware changes but there are also changes in content types and distribution channels. Just think about the expansion of mobile and tablet apps, social media platforms, or video.
These days designers need to create multichannel digital experiences in a world where an increasing number of screens are connected by the internet.
Web design just has become more complex due to the maturing of the industry. These days a website has become one integral part of a company’s online strategy, not its sole online representation, as before.
WordPress and Pre-Made Templates
The rise of WordPress has brought free and premium themes that some people see as a threat to web design. However, this is not the case. Customizable templates are excellent solutions for small business owners who have to work with a low budget and can’t afford a website.
Most pre-made templates have similar appearances, but they serve a certain type of customers quite well. After small businesses mature, they may move on to unique and professional web design.
New Experience Design
You need to present a broader approach, because you know that a website is not only a fancy online document but a tool that a company uses to engage its customers, by communicating with them.
Web design businesses, therefore, need to move from web design to experience design. The goal of experience design is to put website users in the focus during the design process and provide them with a web experience that is easy-to-use and easy-to-understand.
User experience (UX) design, interaction design, and human-centered design are all the wider approaches of the web design. The key point is that any serious company with an online strategy needs to pay attention to the needs, goals and cultural background of customers.
Generic solutions can hardly be as effective as those that back up their human-centered design with relevant context and constant user testing and feedback.
Design Is About How Things Work
We need to change the way we think about design. There have been visionary minds who talk about this change long before.
“Design it’s not just what it looks like and feels. Design is how it works. – Steve Jobs”
The UX first approach suggests how things work should always come before how they look, and it’s always your users who can tell the best if something is working for them or not.
How To Think About Users
The most important thing in understanding how user-centered design works are that users are not like you, not like your client, not like your family or friends. Every online product has a specific target group with specific behavior patterns and needs.
When you think about the efficiency of your design you need to think about someone who knows absolutely nothing about your product which is probably the hardest part of the design process, as designers and clients usually have great knowledge about their product, service or goals.
Attention! Many times the visitors of the site you design not only have little to no knowledge about the product, but many of them don’t care about it.
A significant number of users just arrive from a related Google search or via an incoming link, but in fact, the percentage of the determined visitor is pretty small. You have to persuade them to stay. You have to engage them in the first ten seconds, otherwise, they will simply jump to the next site.
To persuade them, you need to deeply understand them, their goals and needs. Good analytics can do a lot for you, but good analytics always have to be followed by efficient experience design.
One thing’s for sure, shiny buttons, glossy elements won’t keep them on your site. However, they can complement well a smart user experience strategy.
Most of your visitors don’t make optimal choices but they make the easiest one. So they won’t dig up your site for content that would interest them.
That’s why it’s essential to know what to put on your home page and other important spots. You need to know your target audience and also, you need to understand human psychology.
It’s very important to know how to create a successful website and how to influence people.
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