Tag Archives: low-cost

Mobile Marketing: The Effective and Low-cost Solution for Your Busines

Mobile Marketing: The Effective and Low-cost Solution for Your Busines
Mobile Marketing: The Effective and Low-cost Solution for Your Busines


Mobile marketing is the MOST effective way to get new customers. The mobile marketing helps businesses make more income and the conversion is better than anything online or offline.

Here are the mobile marketing statistics you should know:

– The response rate (on average) is around 10 – 30% consistently. In short, it means if you send a text to 200 people, 20-60 of them are sure to take the action you tell them to.

– The final mobile text message open rate averages between 95 – 97%. To give you an idea, the average open rate of emails is a low 15%.

– There are over 5 times the quantity of mobile phones in use as there are computers

– Text messages typically are responded to within 60 minutes.

Here are some ideas and ways to make money and get new customers from this virtually marketing platform.

Keywords and Mobile Short-Codes

You’ll definitely want to acquire a short-code with two mobile-based keywords. It’s a good idea to have one keyword for current customers and one keyword for potential ones. Here’s how short-codes work. They allow a customer to text a keyword (PIZZA, for instance) to a particular number to get a deal or hook-up.

The benefit of using short-codes and keywords is that it helps you build a text database that you can send a text to anytime! You’re practically guaranteed a great response rate. Include your short-codes in advertising online and offline in as many places as possible.

Customer Appointment Reminders

You’ll definitely want to use text marketing for appointment reminders. This has been proven to reduce no-shows by in excess of 50%. This helps you generate more income, as more people are coming through your doors. One of the best practices is to send a text reminder 45-60 minutes before their appointment. This will help you get the most out of it.

Create Mobile E-cards

Make sure to utilize mobile E-cards. Use them on special event days like anniversaries or birthdays. This is a simple, sincere gesture to let customers know you’re thinking of them.

Build Mobile Coupons

Coupons are a must and you’ll want to incorporate them into your mobile text marketing. Who doesn’t enjoy savings, really? Everyone does. Give a strong incentive to others to join your list and offer them specials to make them feel like a VIP.

Facebook and Internet Sign-up Boxes

On your website or Facebook fan page, you’ll want to create internet sign-up forms so customers can see your mobile offers all over the web. This is a simple way to profit and integrate social media into text message marketing platforms.

Getting on board today will help you take advantage of this amazing business building tactic.

If you think about it, cell phones are like a third hand for people these days. No one leaves their home without them. You can reach your customers on the go anytime with text marketing.

These strategies can completely transform your business, allow you to get extra customers per month, and help you make more money.

The SMS Today

In 2010, 6.1 trillion (6.1 × 1012) SMS text messages were sent. This translates into an average of 193,000 SMS per second. SMS has become a huge commercial industry, earning $114.6 billion globally in 2010. The global average price for an SMS message is $0.11, while mobile networks charge each other interconnect fees of at least $0.04 when connecting between different phone networks.

In 2015, the actual cost of sending an SMS in Australia was found to be $0.00016 per SMS.

While SMS is still a growing market, traditional SMS is becoming increasingly challenged by alternative messaging services such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber available on smartphones with data connections, especially in Western countries where these services are growing in popularity.

It has been reported that over 97% of smartphone owners use alternative messaging services at least once a day.

Enterprise SMS-messaging also known as application-to-peer messaging (A2P Messaging) or 2-way SMS, continue to grow steadily at a rate of 4% annually. Enterprise SMS applications are primarily focused on CRM and delivering highly targeted service messages such as parcel-delivery alerts, real-time notification of credit/debit card purchase confirmations to protect against fraud, and appointment confirmations.

Another primary source of growing A2P message volumes is two-step verification (alternatively referred to as 2-factor authentication) processes whereby users are delivered a one-time passcode over SMS and then are asked to enter that passcode online in order to verify their identity.


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How to Create a Successful and Low-Cost Advertising Plan

How to Create a Successful and Low-Cost Advertising Plan
There are many factors you need to know if you want to create a successful advertising plan. Like the type of message to be delivered, the audience to be targeted,


There are many factors you need to know if you want to create a successful advertising plan. Like the type of message to be delivered, the audience to be targeted, how they should be targeted, budget, etc. all of which depends on the nature of the advertisement.

Regarding the type of message to be delivered, try thinking from the point of the customer. What will impress him and catch his fancy? Note down points what the customer expects from the company and what advantage will he have when dealing with the company.

After creating the outline of the picture, pick lines that will actually attract the customer. The message shouldn’t be long enough to bore the customer. Some advertisers are under the illusion that more the matter written, the better the message delivered.

Usually, they fear that they don’t miss out any information. This does nothing but decreases the effectiveness of the ad and the customer is left unsatisfied.

For example, the heading of the advertisement shouldn’t be just “We Sell Clothes” or “We Sell Cars” which is too precise. The headline should be designed such that the customer feels that his needs are met.

It should also take into consideration seasonal changes like If the season at that time is summer and there are lots of beaches around that area, the heading of the ad should be something like “Summer Clothes for Sale” or “Discount for Summer – Buy Swimwear”.

Ads are either traffic builder or relationship builders or reputation builder. Suppose the budget involved is less, the target should be a relationship builder. Because once the customers are established, they will start trusting the company and won’t switch to other companies.

According to a research it takes ten percent fewer resources to retain existing customers than attracting new customer. If the focus is on brand recognition, the advertisement should be traffic building.

The next point is whether the advertiser wants quick results or long-lasting results. If the quick result is desired, then a time limit should be levied. Like in case of seasonal sales, the customer hurries to get an advantage before the offer is over. So quick results are expected in this case.

But the disadvantage with an advertisement with the time limit is that the customer is bound to forget about the product or the company within a short period and it doesn’t create a deep impact on the minds of the customer.

Competing against a rival company’s ad also contributes to a successful advertising plan. The power of the message should be compared to that of the competitors’. It doesn’t mean that the advertiser should use the same plan as his competitor, it would look like imitation and effectiveness will be decreased. But the advertisement should be planned smartly and effectively.

The description of the product is also very vital like suppose an advertisement is made for a restaurant, it will get customers immediately if it is attractive. But if the advertisement is for a computer, it won’t yield immediate results, as it’s not every day that someone buys a computer.

Low-Cost Advertising

There is no better advertisement campaign that is low cost and also successful at the same time. Great business ideas when utilized effectively can save lots of money. This is not only easy for those who work full-time as an advertiser, but also for those who work from home.

Advertising from home is also a low-cost option, which involves making and distributing fliers. Usually, potential customers will visit home for business dealing. Print good amount of fliers and give it to anyone who is visiting home like family, friends, mailman, etc.

Business cards can also be distributed. Few selected people can be given a sample of the product. For those who work outside the home, employ college students to distribute fliers at supermarkets, community centers, or malls, especially on weekends, when there is a rush.

Spread the word by the mouth. Talk to everyone about the product and ask them to talk about it to others. It’s a very powerful tool to increase the network and doesn’t even cost anything. When receiving a casual call from family members and friends, don’t forget to tell them about the latest events, discounts, and promotions and ask them about what they are up to.

If the parties are into the business, it won’t hurt to promote each other. Joint ventures can be started with trustable people of the same trade. The only cost that will be incurred during the whole process is of printing fliers. For a better quality, professional can be hired to design them, as they will be able to play with colors and write motivating material.

Most of the businesses have a company bulletin board that they use to put up the company’s latest news. Fliers and business cards can be tacked on such bulletin boards. But before doing so, check out with the human resource department before placing the information.

Voicemails can be put to good use, other than recording messages. They can help to deliver the marketing message. Greet with a brief message, following with website and email address, so that whoever calls will be already having the telephone number and they will be able to learn more about the business by visiting the website.

When the company is providing special promotional offers and discounts, including information about those in the voice mail. Discontinuation of any services of products can also be informed about. Repetitive voicemails sound boring, so keep changing the voicemail frequently and add some creativity to it.

Most of the big businesses attach business cards or fliers with outgoing mail. This works for companies who send bills to their customers. For those who have customers paying online, they can send the information through emails.

Advertisements can be done, in the locality, by placing fliers on the bulletin boards of the local grocery stores, businesses, barbers, etc. People frequent these places and there is a possibility of getting a good response.

The best way to advertise your business is the online advertising with your website or blog. You will expand your business all over the world pretty fast, effectively and without spending money!

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6 Tips for Your Successful Email Marketing Campaign

6 Tips for Your Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is labeled as a killer method when it comes to effective low-cost Internet marketing. This is because it is the most widely-used and has the best reputation in bringing targeted traffic to websites. It is used to stay in touch with your customers. Send out invitations, news or make special offers.

It’s as easy as writing an e-mail that may be in a form of a newsletter or a plain announcement, and sending that to as many targeted recipients as possible. However, there’s an ideal way of going about it. Email marketing is not just about writing any email that you will be sending to anybody. To clarify that, here are some simple tips in doing email marketing the best way possible.

1. Avoid the Spam campaigns.

Email marketing is not to send out spamming. You are not supposed to send information that your email list will not have any valuable use for. Your emails must have Value for your subscribers.

2. Make your email list open it.

Your email might get lost together with the hundreds of emails that inbox owners are confronted with everyday. Improve your subject line by using extra white space creatively, adding text symbols, starting each word with a capital letter, asking compelling questions, not making any unbelievable claims, and not using the word FREE.

3. Keep it real.

Not including any too good to be true statements is not only applicable to your subject line. Your email content must never embody any promise your business can’t keep. Make your offer genuinely of value to your recipients.

4. Don’t go too low.

If you inform your customers regarding discounts, minimal discounts are not that effective compared with substantial discounts. But never offer discounts that are lower than your profit. It will defeat the purpose of this email marketing effort.

5. Make it eventful.

It’s not about contradicting the advice that you should keep an email short and sweet. This tip is on including seminars, conferences and other events in your email. Businesses that require training benefit much from this method. With these RSVP-requiring emails, repetition is important. Just make sure that an ample interval is considered before sending out a reminder email.

6. Post news.

Sending newsletters and postcards provides useful information for your subscribers. These are the best forms of reaching out to your customers or prospects. You should keep the information short, simple and direct to the point for this feat to be effective.

With these simple tips of going about your email marketing endeavor, your business will prosper in no time.


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Online Business Promotion and Low-Cost Marketing Alternatives

Online Business Promotion and Low-Cost Marketing Alternatives

Starting an Internet marketing business is probably the best way of growing a residual income and at the same time achieving financial freedom. It really sounds easy and fun, yet there are several things that will cross your mind—things that will probably stop you in starting your own Internet marketing business.

Time and financial resources.

You need to accept the fact that in order to make money, you must have sufficient time allotment and financial resources. It is not advisable to start your online business if you feel that you do not have that financial capability of sustaining your own business in the long run.

Getting large web traffic to your online business site is your main priority in starting your Internet marketing business. You will be able to achieve it through advertising your site. However, when you found out that the cost is not within your reach, there is a slim chance that you will achieve success in getting traffic and converting them into long-term clients. Keep in mind that without a strong clientele base, it will mark the end of your Internet marketing career.

Is there any other way to escape expensive online business advertising?

Keep in mind that the word “free” still exists.

In other words, there are still low-cost alternatives and even free methods of advertising your Internet marketing business. You must be confident that such free or low-cost advertising alternatives will work, after all it is still a type of promotion that will help you get the targeted traffic that you need for your site. It does not necessarily follows that free or cheap advertising will not work effectively whereas expensive advertising mediums will always work. Invest confidence and a “clever thinking” on how you will be able to make it as effective as the expensive advertisement packages on the Internet.

As previously mentioned, there are many ways of advertising your online business without spending much of your fortune. The best idea that you must consider is writing original articles containing fresh and juicy information that will help your website visitors know about your business and the products and services that you are offering.

Write your own original articles and sign with free or low-cost article distribution services that will distribute your articles to publishers around the Internet. If you want a wider distribution of your articles for increased awareness, you may pay for a small fee.

Once your articles are distributed and published around the Internet with hyperlinks directing to your site, you will have your first set of new web visitors in no time. If you do not want to write the articles by yourself, you can hire different article writing services that will do the job in exchange of a small fee. Article writing and distribution is one of the best means of Internet marketing promotion.

Just like article writing, you may also use blogs for your Internet marketing business promotion. This is completely free of charge and an ideal way of getting quality content on your website as well as getting repeated visitors who are interested in reading what you want to say. You can write your views about your business or include some photographs of the products you are offering. Do not forget to include your site’s link on your blogs so that your readers can visit your site if they want more information about what you have written on your blogs.

Posting to online forums is another free yet effective way of getting your hyperlinks noticed by majority of Internet users. There are thousands of online discussion forums out there that offers subjects related to the nature of your online business. You may also help other individuals by posting your comments or suggestions that you know with regards to a certain issue.

The more assistance that you can offer, the more your name will stand out of the crowd as the authority on the subject, and the more likely forum readers will click on your website hyperlink to find out more about you and what you are into. It is one of the best ways of making sales without even selling actual products or services.

Why spend a lot if there are free and low-cost advertising alternatives for your Internet marketing promotion? With some careful planning and little spending, you will be able to earn a lot from your online business.