Tag Archives: factors

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]
Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]

Are you thinking to create a website SEO strategy for 2023? Do you know the ranking factors of Google?
Here are some SEO tips you need to know.

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

Page speed
Core Web Vitals
Intrusive interstitials

Ranking Factors – Explanation

Ranking factors. These are signals that search engines use to sort the search results according to their quality and relevance to the particular query.

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO). This means that you optimize the website according to these signals to improve the rankings.

Well-optimized sites get more and more traffic over time (that means more leads and sales). Without SEO, searchers won’t be able to find your site.

Google has various and deeply complex algorithms to decide which content gets displayed and in which order.

According to Google’s search quality ratings, when it indexes the main content of each page, it checks factors like:

Purpose of the page
Content quality and amount
Website info and info about the content creator
Website reputation and content creator reputation
User interaction with the page (time on page, bounce rates)
Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

You need to create awesome content that your users will love.

Then optimize that content to help Google understand why your audience loves it. But always begin with your user in mind.

Create high-quality content for people, not search engines.


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On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022 [Infographic]

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022 [Infographic]
On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022 [Infographic]

On-page SEO (or on-site SEO) is the practice of optimizing web pages for specific keywords to improve search visibility and traffic.

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022

It involves aligning page-specific elements like title tags, headings, content, and internal links with keywords.

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022

On-page SEO strategy isn’t very difficult if you know what to do. There are some ranking factors you need to know.

Your biggest priority should be creating an exceptional user experience and not just over-optimizing content for bots.

How do you optimize your URLs?

Include a keyword: Including your primary keyword in your URL helps both search engines and users understand the content of a page.

Focus left: Place the keyword as far to the left in the URL as possible.

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022

Use real words: As much as possible, use real words in your URL.

Keep them short and sweet: Ideally, your URL structure should be short and easy for both search engines and users to understand.

The easier it is for Google to understand the type of content on the page, the better.

Title tags and meta descriptions

Meta tags are one of the most important on-page SEO factors — specifically page titles. Every page has a title tag that appears in search results as a headline.

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022

The meta description is a summary of the page that appears under the title on search results.

Both are important to help search engines and users understand the purpose of a page.

On-page SEO factors

The most critical on-page SEO techniques you need to follow:

On-Page SEO: Tips and Factors For 2022

Use short, descriptive page URLs
Optimize title tags
Write compelling meta descriptions
Implement structured data
Optimize headers
Implement SEO copywriting best practices
Use the target keyword within the first 100 words
Maintain an appropriate keyword density
Create content that satisfies user intent
Write readable text
Add both internal and outbound links
Optimize for Google images

Remember, on-page SEO matters. Develop your web pages with these elements in mind, and you will increase organic search engine rankings!


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SEO 2020: Ranking Factors and Tips You Need to Know [Infographic]

SEO 2020: Ranking Factors and Tips You Need to Know [Infographic]

If you want to succeed online, you need to create powerful and effective SEO strategies. SEO is the must-have tool to put your website in front of more people in the search engine result pages (SERPs). You need to achieve higher rankings to attract targeted traffic and sales.

Here are some ranking factors and tips about how to create a successful SEO strategy.

  1. Use Target Keywords

The perfect solution for your SEO strategy is to use target keywords. These keywords are terms related to your business. They may include mentions of your product and services. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner or other keyword tools.

  1. Create an Effective Blog

80% of Internet users read website blogs regularly. If you have a business website, you need to create a blog that allows you to connect better with your target audience. By providing relevant, fresh, and updated content on a blog, you can give your target audience all the information they need about your brand and you can solve any problems they have.

High-quality blog posts also get noticed by the search engines. Don’t forget that search engines love blogs. This can help you reach even more people.

  1. Write Longer Posts

Longer posts rank higher on Google. Quality in-depth blog posts generally contain all the information on a subject matter. Also, the top-ranking pages on Google for many search terms have an average of 1,890 words.

  1. Write Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a summary of the content on a page. You can see it under the link to a page in Google search results. You can write your meta descriptions before publishing a post. If you don’t write a description for your post, Google will use the first 150-160 characters in your article as the summary.

  1. Optimize Your Images

You need to ensure that all your images are optimized to reflect the content of the page. This increases the chances of the image ranking in search and bringing more traffic to your blog post. It’s very easy to optimize your images and achieve more targeted traffic.

  1. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are search terms that are conversational but include keywords. For example, “how can I make money online from home” is a long-tail form of the “make money online” keyword.

The main advantage of using long-tail keywords in SEO is that they are not as competitive as the shorter ones. You can increase the chances of your posts ranking higher on Google.

Also, targeting long-tail keywords allows you to create content that is optimized for voice search.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Website

Google loves websites that are optimized for mobile (mobile-friendly) because more and more people are using their mobile devices to search online. Google already runs a mobile-first strategy. You need to ensure that your website is super-fast and responsive on mobile.

  1. Create Visual Content

80% of people prefer to watch an explainer video instead of reading text when looking for information about your brand, products, or services. You need to pay more attention to content that can be consumed visually. Apart from videos, you can also create more infographics.

You can convert some of your best blog posts to videos and infographics that can be published on YouTube and other social platforms. This way you can attract more targeted traffic and also higher rankings.

  1. Social Signals

Social signals affect search engine rankings in the short-term and long-term. Incorporate social media into your SEO strategies. Generating as much buzz as possible around your brand can get you more organic backlinks and reduce your bounce rates.

Important Tip

Avoid black-hat SEO tricks like buying links, using SEO directories, content spamming, and keyword stuffing. They will destroy your fame and your business on the web for both Google and your target audience.

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