What Does Colour Say About Your Brand? April 25, 2016blogging, business, google, infographic, marketing, Pinterest.com, profits, Social Mediaabout, brand, colour, customers, does, feel, how, make, marketing, performs, say, strategy, successfuly, what, yourjtsantalis
How to Decide What Colour Scheme to Use on Your Website April 20, 2016blogging, business, google, infographic, marketing, Pinterest.com, profits, Social Mediacolour, colours, costumers, decide, design, how, message, new, on, right, to, use, website, what, yourjtsantalis
How to Use Colour to Improve Your Visual Social Media Marketing Strategy December 31, 2015blogging, business, google, marketing, profits, Social Mediacolour, how, improve, marketing, media, social, strategy, to, use, visual, yourjtsantalis
How Colour Affects the Conversion Rate of Your Website November 7, 2015blogging, business, google, marketing, Pinterest.com, profits, Social Mediaaffects, by, colour, conversion, decisions, factors, how, influenced, of, rate, research, visual, website, yourjtsantalis
Colour Psychology: How Your Logo Colour Affects Buying Habits October 15, 2015blogging, business, marketing, Pinterest.com, profitsaffects, business, buying, clients, colour, company, do, habits, how, important, logo, message, plays, potential, psychology, role, to, with, you, yourjtsantalis