Tag Archives: capture

Social Media: 25 Tips on How to Capture Attention [Infographic]

Social Media: 25 Tips on How to Capture Attention [Infographic]
Social Media: 25 Tips on How to Capture Attention [Infographic]

You have few seconds to capture your audience’s attention before your message gets lost in the ocean of messages. If you know how to capture attention on social media, you can create a successful marketing campaign.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention

Here are some tips about how to capture the attention of your target audience on social media.

  1. Profile Photo

Your profile photo is the first thing people will notice about you. Optimize your photo according to the actual audience you are targeting for. Determine your audience and research their demographics and figure out which avatar will attract them.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Profile Optimization

Many people left their profile empty or unrelated to how they want to position themselves in social networks. People want to know something about you.

Optimize your profile according to the details of your audience. Give them the answer they are searching for in your profile. Your profile is probably the first invisible conversation your prospect has with you. You want to make sure that delivers value.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Fresh Content and Value

Provide fresh content and value to your followers. Create interesting and fresh content on regular basis. Focus on delivering values and ideas, these are usually welcome. Allow them to follow you.

  1. Use Social Media to Extra Exposure

Make more accounts, link, and point from one profile to another. Promote your LinkedIn account on your Facebook, Tweet your Facebook share, share your Linkedin article, let the messages exchange. It’s not only the extra exposure we are going after, but the different ways you can express yourself. Each social media platform delivers your message differently.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Be Active and Socialize

Add friends, subscribe to other people’s channels, follow any relevant user, brand, or company. Also, join relevant groups. These actions can bring you extra attention.

Socializing also enables you to familiarize yourself with the group or networks you join. The more you socialize, the more attention you get.

  1. Use Viral Trends

Meme jokes, for example, are just a drop in the sea of viral trends. join the crowd and see what’s trending in the last few days. Provide a viral trend to the crowd and attention will boost.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Responsive

You must be responsive. Interact with your followers to gain consistency in your campaign. Social media marketing is all about frequency and lets them know you are there 24/7.

  1. Personalization

Facebook has a feature of mentioning somebody in the comment, while the mentioned person gets notified about it. The same goes with Twitter. This is the way to use personalization with anybody from your group.

Participate in discussions and always be there for your audience.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Provide Informative Content

Link out to relevant articles, blogs, videos, websites, etc. regularly. You will act like as a source of information, only recommending the best. This not only covers up when you are lack ideas but also presents yourself as an expert in your niche.

  1. Share Success Stories

We all love to hear a word or two about someone’s way to the top and how successful they are. This is another great tool to get attention. Keep sharing success stories. Also, you can share testimonials from people successfully achieving results with your product or services.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Use Discounts and Offers

Happy hours, discounts, offers, all of them capture attention. People love paying less or get something for free. It’s a great way to capture attention and generate traffic.

But don’t put it too much and make sure it appears from time to time.

  1. Share A-List

Regardless of your target audience, there are tips and tricks to let them know about. Write an article or link to the blog where they can find useful advice and tips on how to get something done. (how-to articles or videos)

Find tips and tricks relevant to your marketing campaign and have your audience know about it. A list of tips like this always works.

Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention
  1. Share Solutions and Recommendations

Share solutions that could help your target audience in achieving their goals easier or quicker, is a great attention booster. Make sure your recommendations are personally tested, checked, and reputable. A bad recommendation is too costly.

  1. Ask Your Audience
Social Media: Tips on How to Capture Attention

Ask your audience about your offer, marketing campaign, or service. Ask them what they do like and what they don’t like about your company or business you run. Besides being a great way to catch attention and seek feedback from your audience, it also makes them anticipate the value they will get from you.

More Details. https://socialmetricspro.com

5 Easy Ways to Open Your Blog Post with a Bang

5 Easy Ways to Open Your Blog Post with a Bang
5 Easy Ways to Open Your Blog Post with a Bang

What’s the second most important part of your blog post after the title?

Master copywriter Eugene Schwartz often spent an entire week on the first 50 words of a sales piece — the headline and the opening paragraph.

Just imagine how disappointed you’d be after crafting a killer headline for your post, only to lose readers with an opening that failed to carry the momentum.

A great headline mixed with a weak opening is like inviting someone into your house, only to slam the door in their face as they approach.

So, here are five ways to open your post that will capture the reader’s imagination and pull them deeper into your content.

1. Ask a question
Opening your post with a question is a rhetorical device (hence, the “rhetorical question”) that creates curiosity and gets the reader thinking.

Thinking equals active engagement with your writing, and that’s a very good thing.

2. Share an anecdote or a quote
Anecdotes are quick stories that can make people laugh or immediately establish the main point of your post.

A relevant quote from a recognizable authority can also work wonders when holding attention in those crucial opening seconds.

3. Invoke the mind’s eye
Producing a mental image in a reader’s mind is one of the most powerful things you can ever do as a writer, so expressly engaging the imagination is a powerful opening technique.

Activate the mind’s eye of the reader by using words like “imagine,” “picture this,” “do you remember when,” etc.

4. Use an analogy, a metaphor, or a simile
Analogies, metaphors, and similes are some of the most powerful devices available when it comes to telling a story in a single sentence.

This is a great way to capture a reader’s attention and also acts to provoke mental imagery that allows readers to tell a story to themselves.

5. Cite a persuasive statistic
Starting off with an interesting factoid that the reader just can’t ignore is also a great technique.

People love discovering new data, but only if it is unique, startling, or even shocking. The statistic should also be directly relevant to the point of your post as well.

Bonus tip
The third most important part of your blog post is the closing. A smart way to close is to tie back into your opening.

So, take a few minutes to review this post for which of the five techniques I didn’t use in the opening.

Source   www.copyblogger.com/


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How To Attract More Attention, Sales, and Profits

Differentiate and you stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Present your uniqueness and emphasize your rare attributes in your sales copy and promotions and you’ll capture the imagination and interest of those you want to reach.

Differentiate and you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Present your uniqueness and emphasize your rare attributes in your sales copy and promotions and you’ll capture the imagination and interest of those you want to reach.

In a world of copycats, it’s great to be an original. It’s usually the creator of a new concept who gets the most benefits from it.

Innovative entrepreneurs often become market leaders while competitors keep doing things the same old way – until change is forced upon them.

Challenging the way things have always been done can lead to creative new options that reward you with more profits.

Differentiate your business and you attract attention.

It’s new, different – even revolutionary – and it’s the kind of thing that generates excitement and creates a stir in the market. After all, few new customers would be drawn to you. If you were doing the exact same thing, the exact same way as everyone else.

Consider this question… “What Could You Do To Differentiate Yourself, Your Business, Or Your Product In A Way Prospects and Customers Would Appreciate?”

Another thought to ponder is this… “What Traditions Could You Break That Would Capture Attention And Interest?”

Putting an effective new spin on your business should be done with the needs and desires or your customers and prospects in mind. Differentiate from their point of view.

What changes can you implement that would make customers say “Wow!”?

Think in terms of what people want.

Essentially, they want to be served better, faster and with more convenience. They want to be entertained. They want to solve problems with less effort. They want instant gratification. They want respect and to be treated as VIP’s (which customers are, of course). They want to do business with companies that care about them, their environment, and the world at large.

Differentiate in a way that appeals to these desires.

Look at every facet of your business and compare the way you do things to the way competitor does. Are you operating in a similar manner? How might you do things differently? What changes could you make in that area that your customers would truly appreciate and value?

Differentiate and you gain a huge advantage.

Re-invent your business operations and marketing materials as though you were the customer. Design everything from the customer’s point of view. Take “tradition” and turn it upside down. Recast your business. Make it more user-friendly and benefit-oriented. Blaze a new trail… even if it means re-inventing your entire industry.

Take a close look at your business and industry. What is considered “standard practice”? How might business be done differently? How could you change things in a way that creates interest, desire, curiosity, and more sales?

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