Social media is the combination of online communication, information sharing, and relationship. All type of Social media is interactive internet applications which enable the growth of online social networks by linking a user’s profile with those of other persons or groups.
The social media like many things have positive and negative effects. The main characteristic it’s the logical use of social sites!
Users usually contact social media facilities via web-based tools on computers, or download services from internet applications to their cell phones, through these services, users can generate highly collaborating platforms through which persons, groups, can segment, co-create, debate, and revise user-created data or pre-built content displayed online.
They present considerable and prevalent changes to communiqué between people, establishments, and personalities. It has modified the communication between the persons and large establishments.
Researchers study these changes and new Technologies are being introduced as a result of these changes. It is different from the traditional print and electronic media in various aspects.
Facebook is widely used in all the countries, 84 percent of young Americans are its user. A majority of people spend a minimum of two hours daily on social networking sites and the time spend on these sites is greater than the time spent on another type of sites. The social media is a source of professional prospects and financial profits.
Social media has a lot of good and bad effects. It gives a chance of linkage with actual or virtual groups, and it is a real publicizing instrument for businesses, financiers, charitable establishments, as well as support groups, politicians, and administrations. Its substantial use is also proved as a cause of sadness, cyberbullying online, negative emotions, fake life, etc.
Actually social media is typically used to pronounce social networking sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, permits their use to make their private Profiles to share ideas, images, videos, to talk with each other and update each other with the new things, events and happenings while doing their daily deeds and routine jobs.
Social Media Content Spread like Virus
Sometimes contents that are posted on social sites have likely to spread like a virus on social networks. The users will reshare the content posted by some other user to their social network, resulting in further sharing. This is the concept of spreading a viral disease from one infected person to other persons. Some individuals, Groups, and Organizations use this Viral Spreading of a news as an effective way of Publicity.
Use of Applications
The usage of Mobile phone to access sites is a great factor in the popularity of these sites, Now it is more easy and cheap to use the social media than before, the Smartphone has made the internet a very easy thing to use by the young generation.
Now many people pass more time doing interactions on social media sites than to pass time on watching TV. Every type of sites can be reached easily with a smartphone, contents can be added, shared, send, received, status updated voice and video calls can be made more easily without the use of desktop computers or laptops.
The businesses and the marketers know the power of social media and invest a lot of money every year on marketing and advertising. With social media, they can reach easily their target market and increase sales.
Use of Wi-Fi technology has enabled to use an internet connection by the whole members of a family. All the family members can use the internet sites according to their own likes and dislikes, a flexibility of time and Privacy.
The mobile applications like WhatsApp, Skype, are used widely to make video calls, YouTube is used to see videos, Facebook is used to share videos, images, texts and status updating by the mobile users.
Mobile social media mentions the use of media on mobile phone sets such as smartphones. Mobile applications let the formation, interchange and spread of user-created content. Location and time sensitivity are the important factors to access the social media by mobile devices.
Business perspective
Location and Time sensitiveness gave mobile devices an edge on desktop computers by offering companies to expand their businesses by marketing and advertising by it. Mobile apps can be used for investigation, communication, sales, and affiliation growth programs.
Social sites use sociable plans, creating stages that are equally helpful for users, industries, and the nets with the help of e-commerce, or online consumptions. The users post the remarks about a company’s product or service with their online friends and associates.
The company profits because it gains awareness about how their product or service is regarded by customers. Websites like Amazon.com and Pinterest influence many people in the acceptance and approachability of e-commerce.