You have to use effective social media marketing strategies if you want a successful business in 2018. To stay ahead of the competition it’s imperative for you to have a marketing strategy and take advantage of the trends in the market.
Below are a few social media marketing tips to help and grow your business in 2018.
Increase Your Visibility
The reason social media marketing is so huge is because so many people spend time there. You can’t increase visibility for your business and online personality with a private page. The goal is to inspire or educate your audience and generate leads. Make sure every piece of your social media strategy serves the goals you set and the people who will see it.
Refine your social media presence. It’s vital to the survival of your business. Increasing your visibility drives traffic and invites engagement.
Focus on Mobile
Most searches and website visits are done via mobile. Don’t forget! Google loves the mobile friendly websites. So you have to optimize your website content for mobile users this year.
The efforts will improve your ROI from all digital channels and will drive prospects to your website boosting traffic from search engines. It’s not only about design and loading speed, but truly optimizing the user experience for site search, commerce, form entry, navigation and general mobile usability.
Make Engagement a Priority
You need to be social on social media. It’s not a soap box for you to stop by to stand on to make an announcement once in a while. It was built so that individuals around the world could connect with one another.
The size of your “followers” on social media doesn’t matter if no one is paying attention. Large followings make you feel good but if there is no message for them to follow it’s unlikely your brand will make much impact.
What really matters is engagement. Engagement is what earns you shares which generates leads that turns into sales and having loyal customers.
Planning your content strategy for this year should be at the top of your to-do list. Paid ads on social media are great. They generate good leads. But, it’s equally important to learn how to create a reliable, predictable and scallable flow of traffic that converts into clients and customers so that business it stays afloat with or without it.
This can only be done by producing great content. All it takes is some it takes some effort, trying out a few different tactics and consistency. As a business owner and content creator, it’s part of your job to deliver compelling info to your customers about your products and services.
You must give value and solutions to your audience! This is a great way to grow your business and gain traffic, followers and money!!
Great content, compelling headlines, back-links, optimized SEO, sales campaigns and email marketing generated excellent, reliable traffic, and sales long before the social media paid ad game was invented. It still does.
Video Streaming
Video in real-time is becoming more and more popular for online people. Many social media platform giants are all investing more money into improving their video streaming capabilities and with good reason.
It offers new opportunities for content marketing as well as customer engagement. It is a format that has gained serious momentum in the last 12 months and is the future of branding. It’s a great idea to add it to your business marketing strategy this year.
In general, the more specific and strategic you can get with your social media marketing plan, the more effective you’ll be in its implementation. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, there’s so much you can do in the way of marketing and creating new opportunities for yourself while adding tremendous value to your clients, customers and readers.
Don’t make your social media marketing strategy so broad that it’s unattainable. Balance is key. Always keep your customers and audience in mind. Don’t forget! your audience is your business.