It’s true that some websites convert better than others. The reason is that they have an effective call-to-action on their website pages. You can have the best copywriting in the world but if you don’t have effective calls-to-action on each page, you won’t get the sale.
It’s important to have call-to-action for prospects at every level of interest. You can offer Free Giveaways
Offering a free download or trial is a great way to build trust with people who are just getting to know your brand. You could offer a free video, downloadable report, MP3 audio, checklist, or an e-book.
Here is some example calls-to-action links or buttons to get people to join your mailing list or experience your product, service.
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Building Trust
When people are interested but want more information before making a decision, it’s smart to offer options that let them delve more deeply into working with you without the risk.
Here are several calls-to-action that build trust and desire:
Learn/Discover More Here: Offer a link to pages that expand upon your offerings or share a link to an FAQ page.
Schedule a Free Consultation: Giving a free session allows you to show prospects the opportunities they have and the value you can provide.
Contact Me/Us Today: This gives individuals a way to address any questions they may have and get in contact with you. This serves as an excellent way to find ways you can help them.
Directing Next Steps
For hot prospects who are ready to take action, you want to create calls-to-action that make it easy to work with you and provide them with clear “next steps” for them to take.
Here are some examples:
Get Started Today: Tell visitors who are ready to purchase how to get what they need now.
Add to Cart: Show shoppers how to put something in their virtual shopping cart and keep browsing.
Buy Now: When people are ready to check out, make it easy to pay.
Get x% Off Choosy buyers may be looking for a discount. Offering a percentage off discount if they buy may motivate them to take the next step.
Every page on your website should include a call to action to engage buyers to take the next step in their journey.
Be creative, be clear on what you want the user to do and test which calls-to-action are most effective in order to get ideal results.
How to Increase your sales conversions
Every page on your website needs to guide your visitor to the next step.
Obviously, your sales page leads visitors to click on the secure shopping cart order form so they can buy from you.
Your special report download page guides visitors to enter their name and e-mail address and hit “Submit” so they can be added to your mailing list.
But what about your “About Us” page (which contains your bio), your “Media” page (which lists all the major outlets in which you’ve been featured), and your “Contact Us” page?
Here Are 3 Easy “Calls to Action” to Convert More Website Traffic into Sales on the About Us, Media and Contact Us Pages
1. On the “About Us” page, after your bio, add a powerful client testimonial praising your expertise and your measurable and specific impact on the client’s bottom line. Then add the line “Ready for these kinds of results? Click here to get started now!” (This links to the contact page).
This call to action, in fact, can be used for any page that does not have an obvious “next step.” Just make sure the testimonial ties into the page content.
2. Your “Media” page should not just be a collage of logos. It should contain short videos of your TV appearances, audio clips of your radio interviews or featured-expert interviews.
It should also include links to your articles that got published on the top websites. Let the world see that you are an expert.
3. The Contact page, by definition, is a call to action. It needs to take your visitor by the hand and lead them through the next step.
It should not just be a page that displays your mailing address, phone number, and main corporate e-mail. Rather, it should lead with a paragraph that congratulates the reader for their decision to take action. Then, it should explain the process of getting in touch with you. It should also describe what someone should expect once they contact you.
Next, guide them through a simple web form that asks specific questions. This way you can do your homework and present prospects with a specific response and action plan. Make sure to keep this form as brief as possible, and only ask questions that directly inform how you and your visitor would do business together in the near future.
Having a web form, rather than just a link to your e-mail address, guides your visitor to take a specific action. This raises their level of commitment to you and increases your chances that they will buy from you.
Make sure that every page on your website provides a roadmap for your visitor with a specific call to action. This is the only way your prospects will reach the destination that you prepared for them. it’s the only way you will increase your website sales conversions.