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Reasons Why You Need a Blog For Your Online Business

Reasons Why You Need a Blog For Your Online Business
Reasons Why You Need a Blog For Your Online Business


Blogging is one of the easiest ways to engage and build a relationship with your customers and visitors. Also, the high-quality content of your blog will attract more people, and you will become an expert in your niche. Here are the reasons why you need a blog for your online business.

1. Search Engines and Blogs

The search engines love the blogs. The search engines love fresh content and by having a blog you are in a position to quickly add new content whenever you feel, but at least two posts per week. A well-designed blog with quality content can easily achieve high search engine rankings increasing your online presence and profits.

2. Testimonials

Your blog is the perfect place for your customers to write testimonials for services or products that have to buy from your business. This is a quick and easy way of providing prospects with the social proof that you are a reputable online business.

3. F.A.Q.

A blog allows you to answer frequently asked questions about your services or products. This also makes it easy for you to acquire blog content as it is coming directly from your customers. You can have a main F.A.Q. page and use the blog posts to provide answers to your customer’s questions.

4. Announcements and Promotions

A blog is a great way of providing announcements about new services and products that you have. You can provide your readers with the status of the service or products development.

Another great thing about making announcements is you will be able to let your prospects and customers know that you are running a special promotion such as discounts, free trial, free reports, etc.

5. Lead Capture

A blog is a great way of capturing a prospects name and email address so that you can begin an email marketing campaign. Simply provide your readers with what is known as an ethical bribe. They give you their name and email and in return, you will give them something such as a free report, a discount voucher, time-limited access to a service etc.

It can take anywhere from 5 to 7 contacts with a person before they will purchase from you and email marketing is a great way of doing this. Additionally, blogs also make it easy for readers to subscribe using the RSS feed and ping services.

The Reasons Why It’s Very Effective To Have A Blog

1. Content

Every website needs informative, well written, content in order to be able to get the most amount of search engine traffic. You need to have quality, SEO friendly content, with the right keywords. This way you will increase your targeted traffic and sales.

2. Social Media Marketing

With new social media sites, blogs are gaining more and more attention and that means free advertising. With social media marketing, you can reach your target audience pretty fast and promote your business effectively and free.

3. Advertise New Products or Services

You can inform, create excitement, even set up an already established customer base for your new products or services. With your blog, it’s very easy to attract more and more interested people to learn about your new products or services.

4. Customer Loyalty

There’s nothing that will create loyalty and a solid customer base more than if they know you are truly passionate about what you do. Selling is a transference of emotion.

A blog allows you to share that passion with everyone. In turn, they’ll want to buy from you because they feel that if you are truly committed to your work, you’ll be truly committed to them. They trust you and they will buy from you. That’s business!

There are so many reasons and so many uses that the list would go on forever, but that would be too long. It very simply creates a blog write high-quality content about your target market or niche. Give value and help your readers. Gain their trust and very soon you will know if your blog is effective for your business or not.