These days are easy for businesses and marketers in multilevel marketing (MLM) to find leads (people) who are interested in your products, services, or business. You can create a website, build an email list, use social media marketing, or create a referral program to generate leads and increase sales.
- You Need A Strategy Plan
Before you start trying to generate leads, you need to create a plan. You need to know who you’re trying to reach and where you can find them. Identify the need or problem that your product or service can solve.
Important. You have a solution to a specific problem you cannot have a solution to all the problems!
Next, identify the people who have that need or problem (your target audience).
Then figure out where your target audience can be found.
Your strategic plan is about your target audience. Their needs, problems, and desires. How your product or service can help fulfill them. Explain why your product or service is the best or the top solution for their problem.
- How to Find Interested People (Leads)

The best leads are the people who are interested in what you have to offer. Here are some effective tips about how to find leads.
Create a Website.
Many MLM companies offer you a website or a page on their website. If you can, you should create your website, because you should try to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
If you sell health and wellness products, then start a health and wellness website or blog. You can hire someone to design and build a site for you, or you can use a platform like WordPress to build your own.
Build an Email List.
There is an effective system to generate leads. The first step is getting them to be aware of and take a look at what you have for them. They will visit your website to discover if you have the solution that they need.
The next best step is to ask your leads to sign up for your email list. You can get them to sign up by offering something for free, a report, or an ebook.
Attention! You need to know the laws and regulations of email marketing.
Write Articles or Blog Posts
Writing is an effective way to get in front of your target market through your website or other people’s websites. The key to writing an article or blog post that another site will run is to make it useful and informative, but not advertorial.
As a network marketer, you have two types of articles and markets: The first is related to your product or service. The second option is related to direct sales and the MLM business.
Use social media.
Posts asking people to join your team or your business are not effective. But you can use social media to generate interest in your business and possible leads. You need interested people, not everybody.
Create a Referral Program – Affiliate Marketing
People who are referred by others are easier to become buyers than people who weren’t because they’re coming to you with some interest in buying.
Many people you talk to won’t be interested in buying right away, but they might know people who are. Happy customers may want to share your product, service, or business.
You can create a referral program to give people an incentive to refer others to you. For example, you can give them a 10 percent discount on their next purchase for every new customer they refer or you can give them a commission for their sales.
Getting leads is the first step in the sales cycle. Next, you need to qualify them, help them, and finally, follow up. It’s very important to have satisfied leads. They are the best advertisers for your business.
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