Here are some simple but effective internet marketing tips for beginners and also some useful resources to go along with these.
1. Make a YouTube channel
A YouTube channel is not only very easy to make but also easy to manage. Most internet marketers said that video is the future of marketing as it continues to grow year after year.
So you may begin your internet marketing journey by creating a YouTube channel. Also, you can repurpose things to your blog from your YouTube channel when your blog is up and running.
2. Social media presence
Facebook alone has over one billion active monthly users and other social media such as Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, have hundreds of millions of users. Social media allow you to connect with your target audience pretty fast.
3. Create your blog
As an internet marketer, you should have a blog or website of your own. You need it because it gets you targeted traffic and allows you to build your brand. Above all, it helps people find you in search engines.
Also, with high-quality content, you will gain higher rankings and backlinks effectively.
4. Use Google Analytics
Setup Google Analytics for your blog. It will allow you to know which contents are doing well and what you need to fix.
5. Email marketing
Email marketing is still effective. Start collecting emails right away. You can offer some freebies so that people are encouraged to sign up to your newsletter. There are a number of companies available on the web that offer both free and paid email marketing services.
6. Podcasting
A podcast show is just like your own little radio show. You can use various platforms to host and stream your podcast files. Sites like Apple iTunes, SoundCloud, etc. offer podcast hosting services. You can also use Archive.org that offers podcast hosting for free.
7. Use your existing content
Learn how you can repurpose your existing contents and redistribute them on sites like Ezine Articles, Hub Pages, Medium and other authority sites. Also post alternative versions of your YouTube videos to other streaming sites such as Dailymotion, Vimeo etc. Turn your videos into a slideshow using MS PowerPoint and then share them on SlideShare.
8. Help people solve their problems
Create accounts on Quora and Yahoo Answers. Find out questions that are related to your niche. Try to answer questions and mention your website in your answers if relevant.
9. Advertise on social media
In most cases, Facebook advertising is cheaper than Google AdWords. Facebook also provides more in-depth ad targeting options. So try to make the most out of Facebook ad by targeting user group more precisely and effectively.
3 Effective Internet Marketing Tips
Many people jump into online marketing and expect it to work without effort. You need to work to succeed. You can not have a successful business without hard work. Very simple.
Here are 3 effective marketing tips.
1. On and Off-page SEO
When starting an online business, the first and most important aspect is to grow your online presence. The more people you market to the better. In order to expand your marketing reach, you need to diversify your marketing strategies.
There are multiple ways in which you can go about increasing your exposure and driving traffic to your website.
The first of the internet marketing tips is search engine optimization or SEO. It’s an effective strategy used to increase your websites relevance in the eyes of Google. Today, when consumers need a product or service, first they searching the internet.
Generally, this process involves a search engine like Google. SEO can help bring your content and website to the initial Google search results page. Utilizing both off page and on page search engine optimization can help increase your exposure drastically.
2. Social Media
Social networking websites are a very effective tool for your online marketing. So websites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, are the best way to reach your target audience.
You have to learn how to utilize these platforms and reach target consumers. You can increase your traffic and your sales. The internet is driven by the demands of consumers.
The social media websites should be used to your marketing advantage. The consumers are out there. Bring your business to them!
3. Video Content
The internet is absolutely saturated with content. More than likely, a percentage of this content is quite similar to the content you are promoting. How are you distancing yourself from the competition? The video is a very useful marketing strategy.
Making videos makes you seem more human and accessible. Don’t forget that people love more the video and the visual content than text. This is the reason why Google bought Youtube.
Invest in visual content and you will have a very effective and profitable marketing strategy.
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