Images: Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts? [Infographic]

Images: Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts? [Infographic]
Images: Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts? [Infographic]×2500.jpg.webp

Why images are so important and why do you need to use images in your blog posts? Here are some reasons you need to know.

Many experts say that images are a powerful tool for your marketing strategy because they can increase views, engagement, and grab the attention of your readers or visitors.

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

Images will grab readers’ attention from the text and with the help of colors and the subjects in the image will create emotions for readers.

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

People love visual information (that’s why videos are so popular!). Images are processed more quickly, transmit information faster, improve learning, and are remembered longer than text.

So using blog images is a great way to make them more popular, readable, and more memorable.

1. Blog Posts and Images

People can remember visual information better and longer than they remember written or spoken information. Images stick in people’s minds long past the time they’ve forgotten a line of text.

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

So if you are using effective pictures or images in your blog posts people will remember your articles longer than if you haven’t used images.

Also, stats show that images are processed 60,000 times faster than text! (Pretty Amazing!)

Tip. Images are very effective because they elicit emotion from the viewer (Marketing and advertising technique).

You can use this tip to your advantage and generate feelings in your target audience.

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

Also, many reports show that using images in articles made views jump by 94%! Similar results have been shown for press releases and social media posts.

Conclusion: images can do wonders for post popularity.

2. Attention Span

You’ve heard many times that people’s attention spans are now shorter than that of goldfish.

If your goal is to get readers to the end of a blog post, well-placed images can generate great results. Ideally, an image every 100-200 words can keep readers engaged until the end of your post.

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

Last Tip

If you don’t use images in your blog posts you need to change your strategy.

Humans are wired to process pictures faster and remember them longer. They make an impact on us. (you can use that in your content marketing strategy).

Why Do You Need To Use Images in Your Blog Posts?

Images can cause an audience to feel the desired emotion. Remember that not just any image will do the trick. Use high-quality images, don’t take the work of others without permission, and make sure pictures make sense in the context of your blog topic.

Blog images are important, and you can use this to your advantage. Images on your blog posts can help you to increase traffic, engagement, and sales.