Learn The Business Secrets Of A ClickBank #1 AND
Best-Selling Author-And That’s Just In The Second
Week’s Content Of An Event That Is A Must-Have For
Anyone Who Wants To Succeed In Business, Copywriting,
or Marketing In The Information Age”
John Rowley rocks!
He just rocked their world…
And then he rocked some more!
Seriously. He’s #1 in ClickBank’s Fitness and Nutrition
niche, a best-selling author with not one, but TWO
Amazon #1’s, and they could not have chosen a better
person to be the guest presenter in Halbertology’s #1
If you aren’t kicking yourself for missing it, you
should be.
But here’s the great news. They record all of
Halbertology’s LIVE webinar content and archive it in
the Members’ Area so anytime you would need to review
it, it’s there waiting for you like an old friend.
But to gain access to…
John’s webinar
Kevin Halbert’s webinars (with a recent drop-in guest,
Teran Dale!)
Mark McRae’s business series
Kevin’s copywriting course
The All Star Audio Series
And Gary Halbert’s own marketing and
copywriting course…
You have to become a Halbertologist!
What’s more, when you do, you also get “in the room”
with the best of the best of I.M., D.R., and business
development for LIVE weekly webinars (sometimes as many
as three a week!), conversation via the Members’ Area,
and full PDF Crib Notes of all of the LIVE content,
along with other great recorded and print content for
your use.
Look, while they are having a blast with the webinars,
everything they’re doing is with one goal alone…
To help YOU be the best businessperson, copywriter,
and/or marketer you have ever hoped to be!
Warmest regards,
John Tsantalis
P.S. One of the many great things John shared with them
is his personal success ritual, also known as how he
“gets more done before 9 AM than most guys do in a
week.” He’s not kidding!