Persuasive writing is an essential part of making money online. Without copywriting principles, you’ll be unable to convert website visitors into customers. Long form sales letters are very effective.
Persuasive sentences are the best way to do it. There are three main types of persuasive sentences – headlines, bullet points and post scripts. When you use one or all of these together in your e-mail marketing messages or blog posts you can ensure that your message will get across.
Headlines are the most important part of any sales letter, but they can also be used in other forms as well. E-mail marketing subject lines and blog posts titles are forms of headlines.
The point of a headline is to grab attention and your visitor to keep reading more. The most important thing to remember when it comes to headlines is that you have a short period of time to make an impact.
You can take nearly any headline from a sales letter and adapt it for your e-mail marketing or blog posts.
Bullet points are another vital part of sales letters that are perfect for small spaces. They point out essential benefits about a product or service. They can be used as part of your e-mail marketing message or they can be added to your blog posts as sub-headlines and expanded upon with your text.
Bullet points have to be focused on the benefits of the product or feature, and not the features. For example, you’d write that a computer system is so fast you’ll get more done in less time rather than a computer system has a certain number of GB of RAM.
The final important persuasive sentence that can be used in e-mail marketing and blog posts is the post script. Post scripts (the P.S. that appear at the bottom of letters, in case you didn’t know) are a way of adding extra information to your content. They are also more widely read than the other portions of a website, which makes them a prime place to use your persuasive writing skills.
The most obvious place to use post scripts is in your e-mail marketing messages. They can help re-emphasize points from your actual letter and get people to take action.
The best way to start using these persuasive sentences is to study long form sales letters and other copywriting.