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How To Increase Traffic And Sales With Mobile Optimization Strategies

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Smartphones have stormed the world of internet usage, with majority of the internet users using these for online shopping. Yes, this is true that shopping over mobile devices is relatively higher as compared to desktop.

For business owners and traders of goods over internet it is important to learn the strategies which can increase traffic and resultant sales. Listed below are some of tips for generating sales online.

Landing Page:- The first thing a user comes across is your landing page. A good an impressive landing page will make the consumer stay while a boring page will give only bounces. While designing landing page for mobile devices the most important thing to be kept in mind is that the part which displays when the landing page opens is usually of 100 pixels for mobile devices. You have to do the best for your landing page.

Easily Operatable Buttons:- Another important thing is that since smart phones are usually touchscreen, therefore it is required that the website has easy to locate attractive buttons for making the user experience valuable.

Quick Loading Speed:- Remember that mobile internet connections can be slower than desktop mobile broadband. If a mobile site takes too much time to load the user may just navigate rather than waiting so much. A new solution named ‘Undelay’ gives a very fast speed for loading of mobile sites. This concept can give the site a lightning speed- a thing users love.

Use Compatible design tools:- Everything we use on our desktop sites is not compatible on mobile screens. An example of this is flash which looks impressive in desktop, but loses its sheen in mobile devices. The most compatible formats are HTML5, GIFs, JPEG etc.

Put Important information on Top:- Screens of mobile devices are very small compared to desktops. Mobile optimization requires that the whole webpage should fit into the screen without the need scrolling back and forth. In this situation an effective strategy to convey your things to user is to place all the important information for e.g. discounts, new offers etc. on top for grabbing quick attention.

Social Media Optimization: – Social Media is the most done activity on smartphones. Introduce social media interaction with your product, from your website. For e.g. option to pin or instagram, to like on facebook etc.