Creating and running a blog is a must for businesses and marketer today. You must be creative and you have to know the latest tips and tricks on how to drive traffic to your blog and make money.
1. How to drive traffic to your blog.
The first step is to learn how to optimize your blog for search engines (SEO). Using an SEO plugin in like All In One SEO or Yoast will make your life easier and your blog much better. These plugins will optimize your blog for search engines and you will achieve higher rankings faster.
Also, you can drive traffic to your blog and build backlinks with article marketing, social media marketing, forum posting and commenting on other blogs.
2. Exchange Links
You can exchange links with other blogs that are involved in the same topic as you. This blogging tip has been used by some of the top bloggers because they know that search engines will increase your rank based on the number and the quality of links pointing back to your blog.
3. Update your blog on a regular basis!
Updating your blog at least 2 or 3 times a week so that your readers have constant new content to keep them involved.
Post a new article or make a new video and post it to your blog occasionally. This blogging tip will keep your customers actively reading and re-reading your blog on a weekly basis.
4. Check your posts for grammar and spelling.
In order to make money blogging and look like a professional doing it, prospects will not accept bad grammar or massive spelling errors.
5. Be Original
Prospects and readers don’t want to read the same ole rehashed jargon over and over, so give them something new and refreshing. Allow your personality to come through as you write your post, some people say that you should write like you talk.
Your blog posts have to be high-quality, fresh and informative. Give value to your readers and visitors and they will come back again.
7 Tips for your blog content
1. Blog Posts Titles
Compelling titles entice your reader to the content that follows. Research shows that 80% of people will read headline copy but only 20% click to read the content of the article. For this reason, having a clear idea of your message must shine through in your blog title.
2. Length of Blog Posts
Research says that an optimal blog length is 2250 to 2500 words. If your subject needs to be short and to the point, try to write at least 500 words as blogs index better after that count. Additionally, blogs are about information both written and visual, so words can be replaced by images or video. When using images or video, be sure to credit the creator and add a description to be referenced on the blog.
3. Write About a specific topic
Each blog should address a specific topic that interest your readers. When writing a blog post, don’t concentrate on the length. Instead, focus on the message you wish to communicate with the reader. It is better to read something that has value than a long blog that never gets to the point.
4. Build Trust
Let your blog visitors value the content you are creating. Be sure to do your research, provide current statistics, and reference factual content. The goal is to build a trust with your audience so they will return for more information.
5. Content Need to Be Useful and Informative
Content should be useful and informative to your audience no matter if they are a client or not. If you don’t give value, help or solutions to your readers they will never come back to read your posts.
6. Call to Action
Triggering an action is always a great way to end a blog post. Having them “Act Now” or “Learn More” about your services or product is a great way to close a blog. Also, this way you can increase your sales.
7. SEO and Regular Posting
Posting on a regular schedule increases reader loyalty and click through. Different types of content will enable a larger keyword index link for SEO. Additionally, backlinks and long tail keywords will increase your blog’s indexing. This will drive more traffic to your website and you will make money.