It’s very important for your business as an affiliate marketer to know your Target Audience and their problems or needs. You need to know who, what and where your customers are.
When you understand your Target audience before you even start your business then you save time and money. You will also learn how to run your business on cold hard facts rather than running it on guesswork and luck which is what most people in Affiliate Marketing seem to do.
The 3 main elements of Target Marketing are here.
1) Who Are You Attracting? You need to identify specific persons within your chosen market so that you can tailor your business to them. For example, if your market is Golf then rather than trying to attract everyone interested in golf go a bit deeper and target “lady golfers in the USA” or “Junior golfers”.
Focus on the right people, give them what they want and you will have much better results.
2) What Are Their Problems? Now you know who they are you need to now know what their problems are within your market. If you identify their problems you will then be able to offer them solutions such as your Authoritative Website content and of course your affiliate products.
Using the Golf example, if you discover lady golfers have trouble finding equipment for their size then you now know that affiliate products aimed at this problem will be perfect to promote.
3) Where Are They? You need to know where they hang out. Where do they visit online and in the real world? What kind of websites do they read, what real-world places do they visit.
Understanding this kind of information will help you when you come to place your affiliate adverts and the products you are promoting.
So, You will know exactly what they want to buy and you will know exactly where to place your adverts. If you do not understand your customers then you will never understand exactly how to tailor your business to them.

How Do I Find Out Who My Customers Are?
Before you start spending time and money on any type of marketing or advertising, you should be able to clearly determine your target market. These are the people that will have a legitimate interest and need for your products and services.
Here are 4 of the factors you should know when marketing and advertising to a particular audience. Without having this information and facts, you’ll have difficulty attracting the audience that you’re trying to target and sell your products or services to.
Who Are They?
Who are you trying to catch the attention of? For example, do you know your target audience age range? Are they middle-aged males or young females? Where do they live and what’re their interests?
This is a very important phase and it will also push you to think about a much broader range of questions for your business and marketing in general. Needless to say, when you determine your target market, not everyone will be the same age or live in the same place, etc., but having an idea or an average in mind will help you customize your language and your messages to appeal to the right kind of person.
How Much Do They Earn?
The earnings potential of your target market will tell how and where you promote, how you price your products and how you position them in the market. If your products are highly-priced, you won’t be selling based on price. You’ll be selling them more on the benefits you can bring the customer (and vice versa).
What Is Important To Them?
Knowing what matters to your target market can boost your business and sales in so many ways. To start with, you can use their values in all of your marketing communications to create your brand voice.
Next, you can use what matters to them to think about possible problems they might have, and how your products or services can help them solve those problems.
What Are Their Interests?
Knowing the interests of your target market is another way to help personalize the material you create to build a deeper relationship with your customers. For example, start a Facebook group to discover and explore what your customers and prospects think about your brand or potential ideas for your brand.
Be open to suggestions and complaints. Ask them what their initial thoughts are when you describe your brand, as this could help you to develop the right voice and offer the perfect products or services.
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