With a business app, you can reach over 6 billion mobile device subscribers around the world. Startups or large companies want its application to take place in the customer’s’ smart devices.
Today thousands of apps appear on the app store daily, no entrepreneur can be sure for success by posting an app. It is very easy to get lost in the crowd of mobile applications on both Google Play and App Store.
Here are some practical tips on how to create a successful app
1. Define the goals
You have to define your business goals and set the app roadmap to achieve them. The roadmap gives you an idea about the required features for your customized app. A successful app is one that attracts and retains users while simplifying your business processes.
2. Understand consumer behavior
An app should effectively address the requirements of your consumers and can able to fulfill their expectations. You need to understand consumer behavior along with the latest market trends to develop such an app. You need to integrate all the features necessary to entice your consumers through assisting them in completing the tasks.
3. Keep it simple
The rich user experience is all you want to offer. You need to keep your app as simple as possible. You can also opt for a beta version and ask for the feedback before launching your app on the market.
4. Measure impact
You need to set app metrics including Daily Active Users (DAUs), churn rate, retention rate, etc. for finding its overall impact on your business operations along with its market performance.
It is difficult to measure the success of your app without these metrics in place. Mobile app performance analysis also assists you to strengthen your position through enhancing the ability to satisfy the mobile needs of your customers.
5. Use the cloud
With the cloud, you ensure the seamless performance for your app that can translate into the pleasant user experience. All you need to check that the data flow freely across devices of employees as well as customers with your complete control over access and modification permissions.
6. Focus on performance
Many companies tend to focus only on the appearance of an interface for making apps successful among the users. But, the only appearance is not everything. You should also emphasize the performance of your app.
Android OS is integrated into different devices with high variation in display size and features, therefore, you need to make sure that your app works well on every notable Android device. The same is true for iOS devices also.
7. Regular updates
Just refrain from improving your app on the continual basis. However, regular updates are necessary to get the competitive edge using technological advancements. You can retain your app users by giving them what they want in your app.
8. Privacy protection
The privacy protection holds the key to success. These days, as incidences of security breach keep on rising, people become more conscious about the safety of their crucial information. Don’t compromise on implementing the best safety features in your app.
9. Use the social media
Social media channels can offer you the most powerful platform for communicating with your customers. You can remain active on various social media platforms for solving queries and getting feedback about your newly launched app.
A personalized feeling is very effective for your customers. You can give a personal touch to your brands and application through social media and leverage its benefits in making your app viral.
SEO Tips For Mobile Marketing
Mobile SEO is nothing than a conventional SEO, creating content and tagging to make it stand out online. These mobile SEO tips will help you to avoid search engine penalties and maintain better online visibility.
1. Google My Business
One of the most important and effective mobile marketing move that business owners can do is signing up for Google My Business account. It is free and simple, by filling the information to the best of your ability and add more possible pictures of your business.
2. Using social media
According to reports, average mobile users spending their 80% of the time on social media of the total times they are spending on the mobile. These social media sites bring a huge amount of traffic to your website.
So, to improve visibility to mobile users, priorities your social media marketing strategy. The frequency of posting, Quality of content and optimized social media campaign will help your brand stands out.
3. The plug-ins for mobile SEO
If your website uses WordPress or another content management system (CMS). you can use various plug-ins to improve your mobile site more user-friendly. One of the popular CMS, WordPress offers a large number of plug-ins to optimize images, improve speed and take care of other important mobile SEO factors.
WPtouch is the popular universal WordPress plug-in that will create a Google-approved mobile version of your website. If you can’t afford a professional to update and optimize your website, try these plug-ins to build a mobile-friendly website and improve visibilities.
4. Use keywords
It is proven that mobile users search differently than other desktop users. Optimize your content for mobile keyword search phrases to show up your content to the right people. Find the right tools to find the right keywords for your content, you can find keyword comparisons by the device in Google’s Search Console.
5. Improve page loading time
For the mobile SEO, page loading time is the most important issue. There are many factors that define the page loading time. Gzip compression, Image optimization and using Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), there are some tools and plug-ins to perform this tasks and improve the faster loading of mobile web pages.