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Guide: Content Marketing Trends for 2018 – 2019

Guide: Content Marketing Trends for 2018 - 2019
Guide: Content Marketing Trends for 2018 – 2019


Here is a list of the top content marketing trends for 2018

Interactive content

Customers are overwhelmed by the common and persuasive content being created by companies or brands. Today’s audience is smart enough to guess the promotional writing. This is why the marketers are looking for more innovative ways to connect with their target audience.

The marketers now are using the interactive content because is new and more effective.

Social Media Platforms

There is a change in the social behavior of consumers. This can be very helpful for marketers as social media platforms are considered to be the best way to influence the target audience.

Facebook and YouTube have this advanced feature of 360° videos and brands and marketers have already begun to use it. The modest way to ride this particular trend is by using the Facebook Live or Twitter strategy.

You can have the tutorials for your target audience, or entertaining videos about topics that are in trend or they are interested in, using any of the social network’s live streaming feature.

Email Marketing

Emails were never dead and only asserted to be so. Many large brands and companies still run vital campaigns on emails and get excellent results. Usually, big firms still use the newsletter things and check their emails from time to time, so using email as a marketing tool is still effective.

Videos & Visual Marketing

Many brands and companies rely on only in the “viral” video strategy and do not consider the value in a constant visual marketing effort.

Visuals, generally, are more popular to receive more engagement and empower better retaining in a memory, so this strategy can help you stay in the minds of your target audience for a longer period of time.

Influencer Content Marketing

Influencers can influence many people because they have their own big target audience and they can influence them easily

Live Content. The New Trend

More brands and marketers are now building and engaging with live streaming video content. Facebook Live, Snapchat Periscope, and other such platforms are making it very easy for brands to host events, tours, tutorials, product manuals, and several other contents.

The Marketing Trends in 2019

Here are a few trends you need to know about for the next year

Video Marketing

One of the most effective digital marketing techniques next year will be video marketing. According to a report, 80% of the online content will transform into a visual representation. It will give an overview of the product and services with a tint of entertainment and humor.

Since the adoption of smartphones and social media platforms video is preferred as one of the best ways of marketing a product. A short video not only communicate a message effectively, but it is also capable of giving your campaign an emotional touch.

The Emotions have a great role in the buying decisions of the people. As you know the people buy with emotion not logic!

AI – The Future of Machines is Here! – Artificial Intelligence

According to statistics, soon machines will be decisive enough to make strategic marketing decisions. All you have to do is to store all your data in a machine server and you will get suggestions for your marketing strategies.

These strategies will be in sync with your customer behavior patterns. AI will change the marketing in the near future.

Automated Chatboxes

Chat boxes are one of the most widely implemented applications of Artificial Intelligence. Not just they display results at a faster rate, also chat boxes are humorous and offer a personalized experience to the clients.

Voice Search

A research report says, 65% of smart speaker owners say that they don’t want to go back to a life without a voice-controlled assistant. Smart speakers will change the ways of online surfing.

Content – Is Still The King!

We read articles, blogs, newsletters, on a daily basis. But what if you don’t find genuine content which you can trust? Content is not just about facts and figures, it must be easy, clean, and lean. In the year 2019, content will have the same importance which it had earlier. It makes a data set trustworthy and genuine though any media.