Pinterest is a very popular social media site where people can pin photos, graphic images, infographics, and videos. Many people thought of Pinterest as a place to share images about their business, hobbies, and interests. The impact on business success when promoting through Pinterest cannot be ignored.
Pinterest already has over 100 million users, 72% of which are women who love to spend money and have the money to do so. Pinterest is the top social media referral source for business websites.
Pinterest drives more referral traffic than YouTube and LinkedIn. The traffic arriving on websites from Pinterest is found to be 10% more likely to buy and spend on average 10% more than visitors arriving from other social media sites.
Only a handful of Pinterest influencers are top-selling retailers and magazines – the majority are bloggers, individuals, and small businesses.
Here are 5 Tips you need to know.
1. Open a Pinterest Business account – it’s free- make sure you optimize it by using your business name and keywords in your Pinterest home page. When you start your business page, you will be asked to create a user name, this is your first opportunity to brand your business on Pinterest.
You don’t have to use your business name if using a focus keyword or keyword phrase would suit your marketing purposes better.
2. Create targeted pin boards – keep in mind target market, and different aspects of your brand, don’t be afraid to add personal interests. Your prospects and customers are buying from You, not your brand.
You are more likely to attract followers if you mix it up. You can pin pictures, graphics and videos that are fun and interesting and give your followers more of a sense of community.
3. Pin It Button. Ensure that you have plenty of pictures, infographics, and Video on your site for pinning by you and others as well. Add a ‘Pin-It’ button to your site to make it easy for visitors to pin to their boards.
4. Link your photos and videos back to your website. After you have posted an image or video to your board, re-open it and put your website or web page URL where you want to drive traffic. This is an important step in getting Pinterest traffic to go to your website.
Once you do this, every time one of your pins get ‘liked’ or re-pinned, you are increasing the likelihood that it will result in you getting a referral to your website.
5. Spend time engaging with other people’s boards. It’s just like any other social media site. If you want others to engage and re-pin your pins, you have to spend some time doing the same.
As with all online marketing activities, you should check your analytics to ensure your efforts are getting results – This allows you to track how many people have been pinning from your website and how many people have viewed your pins.
Mix your marketing strategies and become more active and useful for your followers. They will advertise your business for Free!
5 Reasons Why Pinterest is Very Effective for Your Business
Pinterest allows people to create virtual bulletin boards and fill them with images that interest them or products they are trying to sell or promote. When they pin an image from a website anywhere on the Internet, customers can save it to many different boards and track the pin for later use.
They can also pin favorite images and ideas to make it easier to find them at a later date. These pins get shared with their followers, which in turn help the business go viral.
People love visual content much more than simple blog posts or text-based articles. Pinterest is a new and innovative way for people to market their business and reach their target audience.
Here are 5 reasons why Pinterest is very effective for your business.
1. Social Reach and Pinterest
Pinterest is a very effective way for you to increase your social reach and grow your business pretty fast. Pinterest gives your business new ways to reach targeted customers with visual content.
2. Lead Generation.
When someone pins an image, it shows up on their network of like-minded followers, which in turn exposes the brand to more people within the market and helps them receive more leads. This added exposure will help to brand the company and increase awareness in your niche (market).
3. Increase in Traffic.
For every person that sees an image that sparks an interest, the chances increase that they will click on the image and be taken to the website of the company to learn more. This also increases the click-through rate and it’s more effective for SEO and sales.
4. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Because of the increase of traffic from Pinterest, an increase in links will also be seen because of the millions of people who are also pinning and repinning links to your website.
Once Google sees that increased interest in your website, it will have huge effects on your SEO efforts. Pinterest is definitely a DO FOLLOW website to increase traffic and obtain backlinks to your website.
5. Analytics
Analytics is an instant way to see what the results are from your marketing efforts on Pinterest. It provides a way for companies to track the clicks coming from Pinterest and see real-time, first-hand results.
This allows businesses to pin certain images that will gain exposure to their target audience.
Pinterest offers a better way to promote your business. That is The Visual Marketing Effect
More Videos, Infographics, Articles http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/