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Content Marketing: How To Create Effective Content

Content Marketing: How To Create Effective Content

Content marketing is a very effective tool to promote and grow your business. Stats show that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates more leads. Also, you need to know that 90% of businesses and marketers use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy and that it continues to grow in popularity.

Here are some tips you need to know about how to create effective and useful content.

  1. Solve a Problem – Give a Solution

The first important thing to remember is that content is very effective and useful if it solves a problem of your target audience.

When you write informative content that solves the problems of your prospects or customers, your content becomes valuable.

Start by thinking about what type of information your customer might be looking for.

Here are a few tips to get content ideas:

Write a list of questions you get asked every day.

Write a list of common misconceptions that people have about buying your product or service.

Visit forums and communities where people are asking about your topic and see what questions are being asked.

Use Answer The Public or Quora to find popular questions.

  1. Original Research

One type of content that performs well in any niche is original research, which can be created by gathering and analyzing data on a topic.

Stats show that 61% of customers said they were more likely to buy from a company that created interesting custom content.

Although many content marketers want to create more data-driven content, many businesses struggle with this type of content. EMarketer presented several studies that showed that businesses have difficulty with data management and performing data analysis.

Research and data-driven content can also take longer and require more resources to produce. Research and data-driven content is scarcer and thus more popular among readers.

Before creating data-driven content, also ask yourself if you have access to content assets that your competitors lack. For example, if you have built up a blog readership that is interested in your niche topic, you could survey them to create original content. Or you may be able to analyze your customer data to find unique insights into your market.

  1. Tell A Story – Use Medium Platform

Another way to create content for your niche is to create content that entertains. Entertainment related content can generate a larger reach in some cases, which can be great for branding and driving awareness to your business.

Stories are so powerful that one of Twitter’s co-founders started Medium, a blogging platform for people to share their stories. The platform grew to 25 million users and had an estimated $500 million net worth in 2018.

Entertainment is so powerful that some businesses choose to focus their content on creating entertainment value rather than education.

  1. Hire an Expert to Help You

If you can not create effective and interesting content then you can hire an expert to help you. When you hire an expert, you can drastically improve your content because the expert can weave together insights that you may have not considered!

Important Tip! Remember that content is very effective and useful for people who are looking for solutions to their problem, informs, or entertains them.

— An investment in knowledge pays the best interest- Benjamin Franklin

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