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Blogging Tips: How to Create Awesome Infographics and Increase Traffic [Infographic]

Blogging Tips: How to Create Awesome Infographics and Increase Traffic [Infographic]

You need to search and study what your infographic is going to be about. The most effective infographics solve a problem and provide a solution.

Advantages of infographics: It makes someone’s life easier in less time. It’s pretty entertaining and helpful.

So if you create an effective infographic that solves a problem you will increase your traffic and will grow your brand. As you know, an image is worth a thousand words.

Here are some tips you need to know about how to create effective and useful infographics.

  1. The Story

The purpose of an infographic is to tell a story. Without a story, an infographic is just a graphic. So ask yourself:

What is the story I want to tell?

Is it relevant to my target audience?

  1. Data

The most important component of an infographic is original and helpful data. Wherever the data comes from, you need to make sure it is credited somewhere on the infographic.

  1. Copy

Write an attractive headline. With all that data, an infographic can get quite long, and the headline is the key to engaging your audience.

It will be part of tweets, posts, and pins, so keep it short and descriptive. Focus on delivering your story to your audience.

  1. Design

The design of an infographic should be based on the story. For example, if your infographic is about nature, then it should include design elements and colors from nature.


Keep your color scheme to a maximum of three colors. Too many colors can make your infographic confusing.


Use appropriate fonts. Before selecting a font, make sure it is legible in both large text and small text – especially when using numbers. Choose a maximum of two fonts. Organize the data visually to guide your audience from beginning to end.

The key to successful design is a balance between data, copy, design elements, and colors.

  1. Graphs and Charts

You need to create graphs and charts that display the data in a uniquely and creatively way. The type of graph or chart used depends on the data and the story. For example, when displaying data about people, consider showing human silhouettes in a chart.

  1. How to Promote Your Infographic

You need to write a pretty effective blog post about your infographic. It’ll give your infographic context and supply more information.

If readers share your blog post, it will generate traffic. (Drive Traffic to Your Blog).

a) Publish your infographic.

You need to publish your infographic so that other bloggers and creators will link back to it. The best way to do this is by creating a new page or blog post on your website to house your information.

b) Share your infographic on social media.

It’s pretty effective to share your infographic on social media. Determine which of your platforms have the best audience for your specific infographic and focus on those.

Make your research and you will find more tips and trends about infographics.

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