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Blogging: 4 Tips on How To Make Money With Your Blog

Blogging: 4 Tips on How To Make Money With Your Blog
Blogging: 4 Tips on How To Make Money With Your Blog

Making money with your blog it’s not very difficult if you know the right tips and tricks. There are many ways to monetize your blog, increase your income and make money online.

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

Here are some blogging tips and how to make money online with your blog.

1. Affiliate Products – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing it’s very profitable if you have an active mailing list. Make sure that you keep in touch with your subscribers regularly.

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

It’s easier for you to sell them affiliate products that interested them. This is an easy way to make money with your blog.

One of the most popular sites for affiliate products is This site will provide you with a lot of details and statistics on the product you like to sell.

Make sure that you find the products with the best reputation and the highest payout.

Some products pay as much as 80% commission. Also, it’s important to promote (sell) quality products.

2. Adsense or Other Contextual Ads

The big contextual advertising product is Google AdSense. But many bloggers don’t like Google AdSense. (Terms of Service)

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

You need to use keywords that have a high online commercial intent (OCI).

OCI is a term in the world of Internet marketing, but it is still relevant.

There are alternative contextual ads if you don’t like the Google Adsense terms of service.

3. Amazon Reviews

This is a popular way to make money with your blog. Many bloggers include reviews of products throughout their blogs. People like to read reviews before buying a product.

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

So many people will read your blog reviews and if they buy an Amazon product within your links you will make money. Simple and effective.

How to monetize your blog with this method? Make sure that you are constantly publishing links through your referral account.

One of the best ways to do this is by including a footer at the bottom of your posts. You can include two or three links right there.

4. Sell Your Products

You can sell your products through your blog. If you have a lot of viewers that love your content, you can create a special report, e-book, or product that will help them in some way.

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

Most blogs can be turned into some sort of product. For instance, if you regularly write about golf, you can create a small guide about golf tips, techniques, players, etc. This will give you something to sell and make money.

The best thing is that you don’t have to share the profit with anyone. Figuring out how to write a special report or e-book can take a lot of time and effort but it’s your product.

You can also check websites like Yahoo! Answers or Quora to find what topics people are searching for. Then you can create special reports and e-books.

Blogging: 4 Tips To Make Money With Your Blog

Last Tip

Blogging it’s not difficult but you need to work every day. Blogging is a business, not a hobby.

You need to create quality blog posts (Content). You need an SEO strategy and marketing plan if you want to succeed.

Research to find more tips and tricks about blogging and how to earn money with your blog.


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