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The internet marketers everyday are trying to increase their sales and grow their business. This is the reason why they need to consistently promote their website and products or services online. They want to reach their target market and to attract more traffic or visitors on a daily basis.
One of the best internet marketing tools is the article marketing. This is proven to be the most effective when you’re trying to generate organic traffic or qualified visitors. This is the key for higher conversions and more sales.
There are 4 very effective article marketing tips to generate more sales:
1. Increase the open rate.
Before you can get more people to click through your resource box, you need to get them to open and read your articles first. This can be achieved by talking about topics that are extremely important or very interesting to your target audience.
Talk about issues, problems, or goals that are related to what you sell so you can easily attract those people who are most likely to buy from you. Also, use catchy titles as this can surely make a huge difference in your open rate.
2. Educate your readers and not selling the products that you offer.
Although your main goal is to secure more sales, talking about the products or services that you sell on your articles will not help. Keep in mind that people are reading articles because they’re looking for information. It is your job to give them what they want. Simply, help them and gain their trust.
Offer them with solutions to the things that they’re going through, provide expert information to answer their questions, and offer guides to help them reach their goals. It’s important to give value, solutions and help to your readers.
3. Offer great reading experience.
It’s crucial that you’ll get your audience to read your articles until the end. Aside from making them very informative, it will also help if you make them entertaining and pleasurable to read. Make your articles relatively short (400-600 words) and easy to skim through.
Make use of simple terms and short paragraphs to promote better comprehension. Then, write using conversational tone. This is important in convincing your readers that there’s a human being behind your articles. Ask questions, insert jokes, tell stories, and offer examples when and as needed.
4. Use effective resource box.
It’s important that you get more readers to click the link on your resource box. The higher your clickthrough rate, the better your chances of making a sale. Ensure that your resource box is well-written and that your call to action is very compelling.
While keeping it brief, tell your readers who you are and what you can do for them. When inserting the links of your website, make use of anchor texts instead of absolute URLs.
Don’t forget to offer giveaways like reports, ebooks, or short newsletters. It is very common in the field of internet marketing that people are most likely to respond to your call to action if you give them something useful for free.
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