To generate money easily from your affiliate marketing, you need to know how to find the best affiliate programs for your website and how to market them. These are the secrets of affiliates marketing that most affiliate programs do not tell you.
1. How to Choose Affiliate Programs
Remember some products are bound to sell more than others. If you sell on product four times a year from a little-known company that gives you $100 per sale or sell a well-known product 3 times a week at the rate of $10 per sale, then you will make much more money with the $10 per sale product.
Often the well-known companies will offer a very small profit per sale because they are established and know that their product is likely to sell well. Small, unknown companies, on the other hand, need all of the promotion they can get. Also, because they are unknown, their products are likely to sell less frequently.
The most important rule when picking affiliate programs to promote on your site is to pick products that would be of interest to those who would likely visit your website. You need the best products for your target market.
Otherwise, you will be promoting a product to a group of people who do not even want nor need it.
There are 2 main ways to find an affiliate company for your website. You can sign up with a company (like clickbank.com) that manages the accounts of hundreds of companies, big and small or you can do a web search for companies that would match well with your niche, visit their websites, and see if they advertise an affiliate program.
Where you place your affiliate links on your website can really make a difference on how many clicks you end up getting and, since every click means a potential sale, this is an important aspect of internet marketing.
2. How to market your affiliate links
Research has shown that the most effective affiliate links are text links. Yes, plain text links. Not big flashy banner ads like most affiliate website are filled to the brim with.
You write a great article about the product or something related to the product and stick the link into your text. This allows interested readers to see the link as they are reading and click on it.
Of course, your article and your link have to work effectively together to make this happen. A bad article and an unrelated link to an unknown product are not likely to make money.
So the next time you are out to choose an affiliate link, try placing a relevant link in a great article that is well optimized for search engines and see how it works out for you.