The digital world is a universe in its own right and a very fast-moving one at that. Myriads of downloads and uploads, posts and searches, messages sent and received, listen and streams happen every minute on the world wide web.
A Minute on the Internet in 2021

According to data compiled by Lori Lewis and published on the site AllAccess, 60 seconds on the web in 2021 consist of more than 500 hours of content uploaded on YouTube, 695,000 stories shared on Instagram, and nearly 70 million messages sent via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
That same internet minute also contains more than two million swipes on Tinder as well as an incredible 1.6 million U.S. dollars spent online.

What happens on the internet in a minute in 2021? – cnbctv18.com
At least 21.1 million iPhone texts are sent and $1.6 million e-commerce purchases made every minute in 2021, among myriad other activities.
Have you ever wondered about all that happens in an action-packed minute on the internet? Especially now, with people spending more time online due to lockdowns, and even otherwise.
In 2021, iPhone texts per minute have risen from 19 million in 2020 to 21.1 million. Online purchases have gone up from $1.1 million to $1.6 million, as per eDiscovery Today.

Messages on Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp together have jumped from 59 million to 69 million per minute; Tinder swipes from 1.6 million to two million, emails from 190 million to 197.6 million, Snaps from 2.5 million to 3.4 million, and Tiktok from 1,400 downloads per minute to 5,000.
Netflix has 28,000 subscribers watching every minute in 2021, with 764,000 hours logged in per minute. Twitter in 2020 had seen 194,444 tweets compared to 200,000 in 2021. LinkedIn in 2021 saw 9,132 watchers.

Instagram had 112 million monthly active users in 2021 in the US alone, with over 69,000 photos and videos being shared on Instagram every minute. An average user spends over 30 minutes on Instagram every day.
In 2020, there was an estimated 4.5 billion internet users and this number is expected to increase. Companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google have powered ahead and morphed into some of the biggest companies in the world, competing with tech giants like Apple and Microsoft.

Stats and Facts – Internet 2021
Statista – cnbctv18.com