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5 Tips On How to Create Viral Videos for Your Business

5 Tips On How to Create Viral Videos for Your Business
Discover how to create viral videos for YOUR business:


Videos are a very effective tool to market your business. Many people respond much more to visual content than to words. However, you don’t want to share a video that nobody will pay attention to. You want your videos to go viral. There are 5 tips on how to create viral videos for your business.

1. Provide Value Not Promotion

If you have any hope of your video going viral, you will want to provide your viewers with valuable, educational, compelling information. The one thing that you don’t want to do (ever) is to sell anything in your video directly. That means that you don’t speak about your products and/or services directly in the video.

Instead, you will want to tell your story and apply concepts to that story. The story is essential and can be extremely effective if done correctly. Stories are full of emotions. When other people hear your story, they will react emotionally.

– Great Marketing Principle. People buy with emotion, not logic –

That is how you start to build your relationships and that is what will eventually get the other person to buy what you are selling. Of course, that is only after you have been able to convince the other person that you are the most knowledgeable person in your niche and that the other person finds you to be extremely credible and trustworthy.

2. Engage People

Your story is critical to your success. It must capture the interest of the viewer and hold it there until your story is finished. Your story should keep the other person engaged and your story should make the other person feel that you truly understand how he or she feels because you have experienced what the other person has experienced.

That is the human connection that everyone is looking for. You have so much potential to tell so many different compelling stories. After all, you have had numerous experiences in your life and those experiences should be shared with people with whom they can do the most good.

3. Emotions and Relationships

The relationship that you share with the other person will not only start with some sort of emotional connection but, over time, more and more emotional connections will be made between you and the other person. That is how you grow your relationship together and it is how you maintain that special connection that exists between you.

It is also important to remember here that the emotions that you express in your stories will tie back directly to your brand. You have the ability and the right to choose which stories (and which emotions) you want to share with your viewers. You will want to think carefully about what you want to put into your videos.

4. Surprise your Viewers:

When it comes to video content, you want to be anything but ordinary. The more interesting, compelling, and surprising you can make your videos, the more other people will be interested in hearing what you have to say.

They will also be compelled to share your video with other people they know and trust if they think that what you are saying and how you are saying it is worth giving to others. Simply, Give value to gain trust!

If your video content is surprising, you will be creating buzz and people will talk about it. That is exactly what you want to happen. Not only do you want other people to talk about your video but you want them to think about your video as well and you want them to be inspired by what you are sharing with them.

5. Capture the Interest

Remember that you only have three seconds in which to capture the interest of your viewers. If they like what they saw in those three seconds, they will be willing to keep watching. That is exactly why those three seconds are so critical. Of course, you will always want to make sure that your video is entertaining and very interesting for the people.

How To Create Viral Videos for Social Media.

How you can generate traffic using viral videos. There is an online workshop called:

How To Create Viral Videos for Social Media.

And the best part is you can watch the entire workshop for free by clicking this link:


In this free online workshop you’ll discover:

The Top 5 types of video that go viral
Where to find content to create your own viral videos
AND the fastest way to create a viral video (Plus a live case study!)

This workshop contained zero fluff and 100% practical advice that you can start using in your business today.

So check it out now while it’s still available (You don’t need to opt-in or anything!)

Just click the following link to discover how to create viral videos for YOUR business:

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