Link building is an integral part of search engine algorithms. Even though their importance has risen and declined as varied versions of Google’s algorithm were enforced, they have always played a vital part in prominent link placement and ranking.
But not all links are not equally valued. The Internet is filled with low-value, non-pertinent and spam links that can quickly devalue your page in Google search. For getting the desired results, you need to steer clear of such links.
Here are tips for link building in 2018
1. Guest posting
Guest posting is one of the most helpful techniques that you can implement in order to generate backlinks and acquire traffic on your website. However, you need to make sure that the guest posting websites are related to your niche.
As you post your content on an authority website, there is a high chance of your post being featured on some of the most popular blogs across the Internet.
This means that your post will reach out to a lot of people and your website will gain more traffic. Guest posting websites usually promote the content on social media sites, which means that your post will automatically gain social engagement.
2. Content is ‘King’
You will be able to gain backlinks if you have high-quality content. The genuine value of your blog posts and articles will be proved when you start receiving organic backlinks from other websites.
Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it can even detect the quality of your content. So, your concentration should not just be on crafting long posts, but to ensure that it makes sense, contains information and is interesting to read. Avoid keyword stuffing as that will lead to Google lowering your rankings.
3. Fix the Broken links
Broken link happens when a page links to resources that are not available anymore. Since this can lead to generating a negative user experience, webmasters are always on the lookout for ways to fix broken links.
All you have to do is find a website that fits your niche and has one or more broken links. Once you have found such a website you need to get in touch with the webmaster of the website to inform that the links are not working and also to request linking to your site in return.
4. Relevancy
For getting the best response from any search engine’s algorithm, it is important that you only link to websites that are relevant to your niche.
Only the backlinks that come from trusted websites in your niche show that your content is relevant and reliable. Once you have gained enough backlinks from well-known sites, Google will begin to consider you as an authority in your niche or on the subject. Avoid spammy links at all cost.
Gaining credible backlinks can help you achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages.
5 Techniques on How to Build Links and Traffic to Your Blog
Search engine rating and ranking of your website are highly influenced by linking structure, Meta tags, image alt tags, unique content as well as page load time.
The most effective technique that can be applied to raise your organic search traffic is the effective implementation of an intelligent link-building strategy.
The tactics are quite simple; as you have more relevant links pointing to your site from other domains, it will have increased opportunity of ranking higher for your target keyword phrases.
There are 5 proven link-building techniques that are the most consistent and highly effective practices by web-experts who have spent several years on search engine optimization.
They are the most effective and have been proven to work on a wide range of sites. Remember, it is important not to limit yourself to a particular link building technique and to not stop from exploring online sources to generate backlinks.
1. Article Marketing
You can publish numerous articles so that you can make a significant difference. If your articles are well-written and beneficial to your target audience, it is most likely that some webmasters will pick them up and publish them again on related blogs.
This will generate more links pointing back to your domain from other websites.
If you want to achieve success with your article marketing, have a plan to publish numerous articles monthly while ensuring that you include the URL to your blog in the resource box.
2. Related Link Exchanges
Be careful to observe that ‘related’ or ‘relevant’ is used to qualify link exchanges. The link exchange is achieved between related sites and you can attract substantial authority using it.
It is wise to establish a professional relationship with webmasters that their sites are related to yours. Participate actively in your online niche community; submit guest posts, leave comments, interact with bloggers and remember to make reference to your website at the right time. With this, it becomes easier to convince webmasters to exchange links with you.
3. Guest Blog Posts
The challenge with guest blog posts is that it is difficult to come forth with a result-oriented guest blog post, it is even easier to achieve link exchanges, article marketing, and directory submissions. This technique ensures a much higher quality link to your website but with much effort.
If you want an influential blogger to accept your content for a guest post, you must make it relevant, high-quality, valuable, and it should be thoroughly written.
You can also achieve the result by submitting your guest posts to less popular, smaller blogs.
4. Website Contest
Another effective tactic for building links is to give away gifts or prizes to those who visit your site regularly – it is effective both in performance and cost.
Although prize or cash award is a huge no-no with the search engines when it comes to link building, it can be an effective avenue for motivating your fans to visit your site and tell others about it.
Instead of giving out a monthly prize to a person that links back to your website, it is better to make it an entry requirement for the person to just talk about your site somewhere.
It doesn’t matter if the contest participants talk about your domain on their Facebook profiles or blog, they will still build recognition of your brand and generate links for you in the long run.
Remember to advertise the contest on some free contest forums online. Don’t think for a moment that it will require a very expensive price to lure people into participating. Simple items like books, t-shirts, etc, can attract user interaction. Many people like the contests and it’s easier for you to attract traffic.
5. Submitting to Authoritative Directory
One of the standard SEO link building tools that have existed for a long time is directory submissions. A massive number of directories online will link to your website without charging you any money. The only challenge is this; the technique has been made less effective by search engines as a result of link building abuse.
However, site submission to few relevant and renowned directories remains a great way to build back-links. It is a guaranteed way of generating quality links back to your site.