A Special Gift To You From John Carlton & Halbertology
That Could Crush Your Competition Before Breakfast… In
4 Easy Steps”
Thier best-attended Halbertology A-list guest event so
far just happened with John Carlton.
He was everything they had hoped, and then some. He
talked “Muscle writing,” the “heat-seeking missile”
that was Gary Halbert, and strategies to win over
“bullshit-proof” customers…
John also gave his personal 4-step mantra to
becoming a professional, regardless of your walk of
“The Pro shows up:
When you are supposed to be there
Where you are supposed to be
Having done what you are supposed to do, and
Ready for what’s next.”
Deceptively simple, eh? But packed with power, energy,
and a sense of purpose.
Would you expect anything less from the author of
The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together?
When you register for Halbertology, you get John’s
incredible wisdom and multi-million dollar strategies
(he loves a good template!), along with the hundreds of
hours of Halbertology content for less than what you
would pay any one of their A-list guests for just a
single hour of his or her time.
Warmest Regards,
John Tsantalis
P.S. You also get “Crib Notes,” templates, a list of
the books that made the greats great, and bonuses that
provide the most comprehensive guide to contemporary
marketing I have ever seen assembled.