Quora is the most popular question and answer platform. It’s very simple, people ask questions and the writers, answering their questions. Quora is among the top 150 websites in the world. The Quora community is growing very fast.
Important. Quora doesn’t pay for writing Answers.
If you want Quora to help you, start Answering Questions of your interest and earn reputation and traffic to your website. When you do that, experts at Industries start noticing you.
3 Tips on how to make money with Quora
1. Drive Traffic to your Blog or Website
Blogging is one of the most effective ways to make money online. There are millions of bloggers in the world but not everyone is successful. But only 7-8% of bloggers are making real money.
The Secret! You Need Targeted Traffic!
Traffic is everything. Without traffic, it’s impossible to make big money with your blog.
You can use Quora to drive massive targeted traffic to your blog. You need to find questions which you can answer. Take your time and write a high-quality answer so that you can get Upvotes and Views.
More Upvotes and Views will eventually mean more targeted traffic to your blog. At the end of your Answer, link a relevant post of your Blog. Also, add the URL of your blog in your Bio.
So this is what Quora is great at! It helps you in finding the audience who you look for, and later send them to your blog. The traffic from Quora is considered best for making money with Affiliate Marketing which is the most profitable way of making money online.
2. Sell your e-Books with Quora
Thousands of people are searching for solutions on Quora. They want to get the solution to their problems. If you can write an e-book that solves their problem, they will not only buy it but will recommend it to others as well.
Once you have published your book, go on Quora and find topics related to your Book and Provide Quality Answers. In the body & at the end of your answer, add Link to your e-book.
Also, you need to use your e-book’s link in your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. as it will help others to know that you have published a book.
3. Sell Your Services with Quora
You can sell services like Link Building, Freelance Writing, SEO, Video Editing, Marketing, etc. Quora can help you only when your Answers reflect your knowledge in your Expertise.
Many Experts and Newbies read answers on Quora. If they found your Answers helpful, there is no reason why they can’t contact you for their project. Many people have hired through Quora and are still making money. Remember, the key to utilize Quora is “High-Quality Answers”. Take your time and write quality answers reflecting your knowledge.
Also, with Quora, you can influence more people and generate traffic for your social media account, Youtube channel, online shop, etc. As you see Quora is a very effective tool for your business if you can write quality answers and give solutions to people.
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