The video content is a very powerful tool for businesses. Video marketing is growing more and more. There has been increased growth in the use of social networks such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, etc, over the years.
Video marketing is not a new thing. It exists for many years. However, we now see the power that video marketing holds and the value of visual content and how it has become an important (Must-Have) tool on almost every media channel.
Stats show that 54% of consumers want to see videos from brands they support in comparison to email newsletters or social image-based content. As one of the fastest-growing and aggressive forms of marketing tools, video marketing is one of the things that every marketer should make use of today.
Here are 3 reasons why video is the future of content marketing.
- Video Marketing and the Power of Visual Content
HubSpot revealed that video content is most memorable in comparison with text and images, stating that 80% of customers can remember a video they’ve watched a month ago.
The video illustrates a brands’ story, personality, and product with the use of sound and visual at a faster pace than words. Because of its use of visual and auditory, it becomes easier for users to remember that they would with text content.
Capturing content is an important key in the midst of content overload. The marketers have to create videos that are most creative and memorable and at the same time communicate the brand’s strategy.
When users remember your video, they would remember your brand.
- Website SEO and Sales
Stats show that 80% of marketers who are using video marketing said that video has increased the time of customers on their websites. Relevant video marketing content can dramatically improve your site’s SEO by leading people to your homepage.
Video also has the power to influence consumers buying decisions. More and more people are now making purchases online.
- Easy Sharing on Social Media
When users share your videos it helps spreads your message and your online reach. People would share videos that they enjoyed watching with their friends, families, colleagues, etc.
What is even more exciting about video content is its fit for consumption on all devices ranging from desktops to mobile phones making it user-friendly and easily accessible.
Many viewers will engage in a video post before a text post. Great video posts usually go viral on most social networks than text content would.
Every marketer should start implementing video marketing strategies for their businesses. Video marketing is the revolution and future marketing.
People are always on the go, the only way to get their attention is by creating interactive videos that can capture their focus and make them want to get the product or service you are selling.
The only way marketers can be able to remain relevant and keep up with the ever-changing landscape, is if they invested in cutting edge form of content and that is video marketing.
Video Marketing and Low-Cost Solutions
One of the main reasons why many business owners probably haven’t jumped into video marketing is because of their fear of cost. Most people in the marketing field would agree that video marketing brings a lot of value to the table. But they don’t know if the cost is bigger than the benefit.
They want to invest money in their business but they want a profit. Not to lose money. Very simple.
Use video marketing to reach out to your customers. Ask customers to email you with questions about what you offer, or questions about industry topics, and answer the questions you like best in a weekly video.
If you need to generate some interest, give people a chance to win a free product if they send you a question.
Video Marketing and Failure
When you try anything the first time around and you don’t have a plan your chances of failure are quite high. This is not just a video marketing phenomenon. That’s Business! Try,test,try,test again…
Video marketing is a great way to give customers an idea of what your products look like before they order these items. You should create some videos in which you demonstrate your products.
Show the different functions, test the products in extreme situations and do a lot of close-ups.
Maybe you’re trying to ride a bike. Maybe you’re trying to build a house. Your first few attempts are not going to be all that good. You probably already know this. Why should video marketing be any different? When people just jump in both feet because they got all excited about the benefits of video marketing, they might end up making rookie mistakes.
With the proper blueprint or coaching or video marketing consulting, you don’t have to commit those beginner mistakes. Your stuff doesn’t have to look amateurish and basic.
You can come up with something truly professional the first time around. In fact, it’s not uncommon for small businesses to get out of the gate with high-quality videos that connect powerfully with their target audience members.
Their secret, there is no secret at all. They just read the right resources and allow these resources to guide them in producing one high- quality video after another. If they can do it, you can do it too.
To attract more people embed your video on your website. Most people when they think of video marketing think only of posting a video on YouTube. Instead, post it on your website and include a link on your Facebook wall and Tweet about your new video on Twitter. Post it on Instagram or Pinterest.
With the right information, high-quality videos will go a long way in building up your brand doesn’t have to cost a lot.
How to Solve the Video Marketing Problem
For people who are new to video marketing, try to keep your videos short. Around 30-50, the second is a good length to start. You really do not have a lot of time to get your message through with the viewers’ short attention spans.
As you become more experienced, you will notice that you are able to get your message across within this time frame easily.
One of the main reasons why a lot of people have this idea that video marketing has to cost a lot of money is the misconception that they have to produce Hollywood level videos. Absolutely wrong. In fact, in certain niches, audiences respond favorably to very amateurish or very basic videos.
You really just have to know your niche. More specifically, you just must know how to segment and break up your niche into little sub-markets. Put simply, the better you know your audience the more powerful your video can be and has nothing to do with how polished or smooth it is.
Instead, it has everything to do with your video’s ability to communicate with your target audience members on a very human, personal, and emotional level.
There are many tools you can use
One of the best pieces of advice about video marketing is to keep it real. Make a script, rehearse it, and then shoot your video. That’s all there is to it. You will end up looking overproduced and fake if you do more than that. Real is honest and reliable.
You can drastically reduce your video production costs by understanding that there are many different levels of videos. At the top of this hierarchy, of course, are high-quality videos. These are very personal, these are professionally shot.
You can use software to create a video for supplemental marketing. You can use software for the video that is intended to supplement or support your text content.
It doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to cost a lot.
If you plan to begin a video marketing campaign, put some time into designing a YouTube channel for your business. This will make your videos easy to find, and if a viewer enjoys the first video, they will have multiple others right at their fingertips.
This organized, clustered way of presenting your videos will help to draw more viewers and more customers.
Make video marketing a part of your strategy, but do not rely on it entirely. Remember, it can be expensive to continuously post new videos. In addition, it can be time-consuming to make them and put them up online.
The best way is to mix your strategies. Write articles, create infographics, create videos, upload photos and images on social media. Prove to your target audience that you are an expert in your niche.
They will trust you and they will advertise your business for Free! (you will increase traffic and sales).
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